
Morning Digest: Microsoft board close to naming Nadella as new CEO: source

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Microsoft board close to naming Nadella as new CEO: source
NEW YORK/SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp is likely to appoint its cloud-computing head, Satya Nadella, as its next chief executive, a source familiar with the matter said on Thursday, as the board concludes a five-month search for a tech-savvy heavy-hitter to lead the world's largest software company..
Thai polling stations might close if violence mars election
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai authorities might close polling booths if violence erupts during Sunday's disputed election, which would further undermine the credibility of a vote that is deemed incapable of restoring stability in the polarized country..
Euro sags before inflation data, EM steady after rout
LONDON (Reuters) - Emerging market stresses left world shares facing their first monthly losses since August on Friday, as euro zone inflation data likely to keep the pressure for rate cuts on the ECB pegged the euro near a two-month low..
'Gravity' Oscar buzz showcases UK visual effects industry
LONDON (Reuters) - Some viewers love Alfonso Cuaron's space thriller "Gravity" and others think it pales in comparison with classics like Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", but pretty much anyone who has seen it agrees the visual effects are stunning..
Super Bowl fever consumes Big Apple
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The first Super Bowl in the New York metropolitan area is days away and now everybody wants in on the action. Even Mother Nature has come to the Big Apple's party..
Facebook looks to nab Twitter's 'second screen' crown in Super Bowl
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - More than 100 million people will be glued to their TV screens on Sunday, when the Denver Broncos take on the Seattle Seahawks in America's premier sporting contest, the Super Bowl..
Scientists hail breakthrough in embryonic-like stem cells
LONDON (Reuters) - In experiments that could open a new era in stem cell biology, scientists have found a simple way to reprogram mature animal cells back into an embryonic-like state that allows them to generate many types of tissue..
Actress Johansson-Oxfam rift puts spotlight on West Bank
JERUSALEM/LONDON (Reuters) - Actress Scarlett Johansson's very public rift with the charity Oxfam over her endorsement of an Israeli firm operating in the West Bank has thrown a Hollywood spotlight on one of the thorniest issues in Middle East peace talks..
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