
Wednesday Morning Briefing

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Relatives of Afghan victims mourn outside a hospital after a blast in Kabul, Afghanistan May 31, 2017. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani



A powerful bomb hidden in a sewage tanker exploded in the center of Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least 80 people, wounding hundreds and damaging embassy buildings, police said. It exploded close to the fortified entrance to the German embassy, killing a security guard and wounding some staff, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Twitter.


Reuters TV: Kabul blast

Taliban denies responsibility




Prime Minister Theresa May could lose control of parliament in Britain's June 8 election, according to a projection by polling company YouGov, raising the prospect of political deadlock just as formal Brexit talks begin.



U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is expected to press for greater cooperation to contain North Korea's nuclear and missile threat at a regional security forum in Singapore later this week, where for years Washington has instead sought to spotlight China's expansion in the strategic South China Sea. The shift in focus worries Southeast Asian allies that Washington might allow China freer rein in the region.


The U.S. military fired an intercontinental ballistic missile from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands toward the waters just south of Alaska. It then successfully fired a missile to intercept it from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, a major milestone for a program meant to defend against a mounting North Korean nuclear threat.


South Korea defense ministry 'intentionally dropped' THAAD units in report: Blue House


A group that published hacking tools that security experts believe were stolen from the U.S. National Security Agency said it plans to sell a new batch of stolen code in July to customers willing to pay more than $22,000 for it.


‘Who rules the world?’

Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven (L-R), with his counterparts Lars Lokke Rasmussen of Denmark, Erna Solberg of Norway, Juha Sipila of Finland and Bjarni Benediktsson of Iceland hold a soccer ball during their meeting in Bergen, Norway. May 29, 2017. NTB Scanpix/ Marit Hommedal via REUTERS

Arab Gulf


Just 10 days after U.S. President Donald Trump called on Muslim countries to stand united against Iran, a public feud between Qatar and some of its Gulf Arab neighbors is jolting his attempt to tip the regional balance of power against Tehran. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are incensed by Qatar's conciliatory line on Iran, their regional arch rival, and its support for Islamist groups, in particular the Muslim Brotherhood, which they regard as a dangerous political enemy.



A Russian warship and submarine have fired four cruise missiles from the Mediterranean at Islamic State targets near the Syrian city of Palmyra, the Defense Ministry said.




A man has been arrested and two are missing in China after conducting an investigation into a Chinese company making Ivanka Trump-branded shoes, China Labor Watch, a New York-based advocacy group said.


Oil prices fell by 1 percent today as rising Libyan production fueled concerns that OPEC-led output cuts are being undermined by several countries that are excluded from the deal.


Exxon Mobil Corp has stepped up efforts to persuade investors to vote against climate-related proposals at Wednesday's annual meeting with a campaign of calling, writing and lobbying shareholders in person. The world's largest publicly traded oil company opposes a proposal requiring it to report on the risks to its business from new technologies and global climate change policies, insisting it already provides the information.


Goldman Sachs confirmed the purchase of $2.8 billion of bonds for pennies on the dollar in Venezuela, but clarified that it never transacted directly with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The country's opposition dismissed the statement as an attempt to "put lipstick on this pig." The deal, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, made Goldman complicit in alleged human rights abuses under the government, they said.




As the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Six-Day War nears on June 5, recently unearthed documents detailing the post-war legal and diplomatic debate have a familiar ring, and underline how little progress has been made towards resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


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Android之父发布新手机 起价699美元


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Reuters Technology Report: May 30, 2017

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017
British Airways vows 'never again' after costly IT collapse
LONDON (Reuters) - British Airways (BA) said it would take steps to ensure there was no repeat of a computer system failure that stranded 75,000 passengers over a holiday weekend and turned into a public relations disaster.
Investigators search Ukrainian offices of Russia's Yandex
KIEV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine's State Security Service (SBU) raided the Kiev and Odessa offices of Russia's top search site Yandex on Monday, accusing the company of illegally collecting Ukrainian users' data and sending it to Russian security agencies.
Japan to finalize strategy for drones, self-driving trucks on June 9: government sources
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan aims to finalize on June 9 plans to allow package delivery by drone sometime from 2020 and the commercialization of self-driving trucks by 2022, as it scrambles to breathe new life into its corporate sector, sources told Reuters.
Western Digital may join Japan-KKR group for Toshiba chip unit bid: sources
TOKYO (Reuters) - Western Digital Corp may join a consortium of Japanese government money and KKR & Co LP to bid for Toshiba Corp's chip unit, backing away from an earlier demand for an immediate majority stake, two sources familiar with the matter said.
Partner Communications to offer Netflix on new Israeli TV service
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Partner Communications, Israel's second-largest mobile phone operator, said on Monday that streaming giant Netflix will be available on Partner's new television service.
China to implement cyber security law from Thursday
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China, battling increased threats from cyber-terrorism and hacking, will adopt from Thursday a controversial law that mandates strict data surveillance and storage for firms working in the country, the official Xinhua news agency said.
Popular Chinese lesbian dating app removed from internet
BEIJING (Reuters) - A popular Chinese dating app for lesbians has been shut down, along with its website and main social media account, just as the gay community celebrates Taiwan's decision giving same-sex couples the right to marry, a first for Asia.
Vietnam online gaming firm VNG says eyeing U.S. IPO
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnamese online gaming and messaging firm VNG Corp said on Tuesday it has signed a preliminary agreement with U.S. bourse operator Nasdaq Inc to explore an IPO.
UK looking to increase pressure on internet firms over extremist material: minister
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is looking at range of options to put pressure on internet companies to do more to take down extremist material, Security Minister Ben Wallace said on Sunday.
Samsung Electronics says may add NAND capacity at China plant amid demand surge
SEOUL (Reuters) - Tech giant Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said on Monday it is considering adding NAND memory chip production capacity at its manufacturing base in China amid an industry-wide boom that will likely fuel record sales for memory suppliers.
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