
Technology Report: Regulators take step toward broadband rules

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Good afternoon Bit, THU 17 Jun 2010 
Regulators take step toward broadband rules
iPhone 4 sets record sale pace despite gaffe
Nintendo sees life yet in the Wii
Motorola and Sprint to sell Windows phone to businesses
Fujitsu and Toshiba to merge mobile businesses
Sprint plans range of embedded devices for holidays
AT&T nears FCC OK for Verizon spectrum buy: report
AOL to sell social network site Bebo
Game on: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft wage war
T-Mobile USA says on track with mobile data upgrade

Regulators take step toward broadband rules
June 17, 2010 02:44 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Communications authorities on Thursday took a small but significant step toward regulating high-speed Internet in a bid to reclaim oversight, setting the stage for an eventual legal showdown with industry heavyweights.

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iPhone 4 sets record sale pace despite gaffe
June 17, 2010 12:27 AM ET
LOS ANGELES/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sales of Apple Inc's latest iPhone blew away expectations in its first day on the market despite shortages and an embarrassing online ordering glitch that thwarted many shoppers.

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Nintendo sees life yet in the Wii
June 16, 2010 08:41 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Nintendo Co Ltd, confident that its Wii will stand up against rivals Microsoft Corp and Sony Corp, says it feels no pressure to reinvent the pioneering motion-sensing games platform.

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Motorola and Sprint to sell Windows phone to businesses
June 17, 2010 02:50 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Motorola Inc said on Thursday that it would launch a new phone based on Microsoft Corp software and that No. 3 U.S. mobile operator Sprint Nextel Corp will sell the phone to corporate customers.

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Fujitsu and Toshiba to merge mobile businesses
June 17, 2010 02:58 AM ET
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Fujitsu Ltd and Toshiba Corp unveiled plans on Thursday to merge their mobile phone businesses in October to create Japan's second-biggest cellphone maker in a rapidly shrinking market.

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Sprint plans range of embedded devices for holidays
June 16, 2010 06:06 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sprint Nextel Corp hopes win new customers using devices other than cellphones with new wirelessly-connected gadgets coming on the market starting later this year, an executive for the company said on Wednesday.

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AT&T nears FCC OK for Verizon spectrum buy: report
June 17, 2010 10:35 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is close to granting AT&T Inc approval for its $2.35 billion purchase of rural U.S. wireless licenses from rival Verizon Communications Inc affiliate Verizon Wireless, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the matter.

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AOL to sell social network site Bebo
June 17, 2010 08:52 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - AOL Inc will sell its Bebo social network site to private investment firm Criterion Capital Partners for an undisclosed sum, as it tries to restructure its business and deal with declining revenue.

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Game on: Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft wage war
June 16, 2010 10:27 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Electronics hardware makers on Tuesday showed off snazzy new devices enabling motion-sensing play and 3D effects, intensifying a battle to introduce video-gaming to a new generation of casual users.

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T-Mobile USA says on track with mobile data upgrade
June 16, 2010 04:43 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - T-Mobile USA, the No. 4 U.S. mobile service, said that by the end of this month it would be less than half way through its 2010 network upgrade plan aimed at boosting its mobile data web-surfing speeds.

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