
Morning Digest: Ireland says expects giant EU/IMF loan

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Good Morning Bit, THU 18 Nov 2010 
Ireland says expects giant EU/IMF loan
Germany raises security alert after attack warnings
Shares set to rise on Irish debt optimism
Twitter says has "a lot of money in the bank"
CERN makes and traps anti-matter, mystery of science
Vick turns New York Giants coach Coughlin into fan
Michael Jackson's new album could top previous one
Man shoots TV over Bristol Palin's "Dancing" success

Ireland says expects giant EU/IMF loan
November 18, 2010 06:04 AM ET
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Ireland's central bank chief said on Thursday he expected the country to receive tens of billions of euros in loans from European partners and the IMF to help shore up its shattered banks and stabilize the economy.

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Germany raises security alert after attack warnings
November 17, 2010 03:53 PM ET
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany said on Wednesday it had strong evidence Islamist militants were planning attacks in the next two weeks and ordered security at potential targets such as train stations and airports to be tightened.

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Shares set to rise on Irish debt optimism
November 18, 2010 05:20 AM ET
(Reuters) - Stock index futures flagged up a higher opening for Wall Street on Thursday, with markets worldwide gaining from optimism that progress was being made on Ireland's debt crisis.

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Twitter says has "a lot of money in the bank"
November 17, 2010 09:55 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter co-founder Evan Williams said the popular microblogging company was not running low on capital, amid media reports that the company is considering raising a large round of funding.

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CERN makes and traps anti-matter, mystery of science
November 17, 2010 07:20 PM ET
GENEVA (Reuters) - Physicists at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) announced on Wednesday they have created and trapped anti-matter, one of the biggest mysteries of modern science.

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Vick turns New York Giants coach Coughlin into fan
November 17, 2010 07:57 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York Giants coach Tom Coughlin said he turned into a common football fan enthralled by the performance of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick in Monday's game against the Redskins.

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Michael Jackson's new album could top previous one
November 17, 2010 09:13 PM ET
NEW YORK (Billboard) - Nearly a year and a half after the tragic death of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop continues to play a significant role in boosting the fortunes of his label Epic Records and its parent Sony Music Entertainment.

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Man shoots TV over Bristol Palin's "Dancing" success
November 17, 2010 06:27 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Wisconsin man angry at the success of Bristol Palin on "Dancing with the Stars" blasted his TV with a shotgun as she waltzed her way into the program's finals.

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