
Technology Report: Google and Facebook face-off in social games

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News Good afternoon Bit
A mobile security expert says he has discovered serious security flaws in Google's Android operating system.

Riley Hassell, who caused a stir when he called off an appearance at a hacker's conference last week, told Reuters he and colleague Shane Macaulay decided not to lay out their research at the gathering for fear that criminals would use it attack Android phones.

Felix Salmon explains why the so called porous NYT paywall is working so well, due in large part to their emphasis on the "pay" rather than on the "wall".

China's microblog sites, which claim 195 million users and allow people to shoot out short bursts of often strongly worded opinion, have put China's Communist rulers in a difficult spot. Fearing an uproar if they block the sites outright, the censors struggle to keep ahead of the rapid-fire messages that often spread news and opinion the government would like to contain.

Wal-Mart is shaking up its e-commerce structure, putting the people who run stores in developed markets such as the United States in charge of the websites in those countries, according to an internal memo.
Google and Facebook face-off in social games
August 11, 2011 08:36 PM ET
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook is not the only game in town anymore. | Full Article
German court sets Samsung, Apple hearing for Aug 25
August 12, 2011 04:20 AM ET
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Korean company Samsung Electronics will go to a German court on August 25 to try to overturn a ban on it selling flagship Galaxy tablets in most of the European Union. | Full Article
Wall St rises on lower volume and mixed data
August 12, 2011 03:42 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks rose on Friday as mildly encouraging retail sales overshadowed weak consumer sentiment data, with lighter volume reflecting a drop in investor anxiety. | Full Article
Consumer sentiment slumps, retail sales jump
August 12, 2011 01:57 PM ET
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Consumer sentiment worsened sharply in early August, falling to the lowest level in more than three decades, even though retail sales posted the biggest gains in four months in July, separate reports on Friday showed. | Full Article
Europe short-selling ban reveals divisions
August 12, 2011 02:23 PM ET
PARIS/MILAN (Reuters) - A piecemeal ban on short-selling of financial stocks in Europe sparked a rush of alternative proposals from countries and regulators Friday, while stronger bank shares pulled Europe's stocks higher. | Full Article
Ex-Nasdaq executive gets 42 months for insider trading
August 12, 2011 10:53 AM ET
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (Reuters) - A former Nasdaq OMX Group Inc executive on Friday was sentenced to 3-1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty for making hundreds of thousands of dollars by trading on confidential information. | Full Article
Italy delivers tough austerity measures
August 12, 2011 04:07 PM ET
ROME (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi announced a painful mix of tax hikes and spending cuts Friday to meet European Central Bank demands for action on shoring up Italy's strained public finances. | Full Article
Appeals court rules against Obama healthcare mandate
August 12, 2011 03:25 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's healthcare law suffered a setback Friday when a U.S. appeals court ruled that it was unconstitutional to require all Americans to buy insurance or face a penalty. | Full Article
Syrian forces kill 13 protesters after Friday prayers
August 12, 2011 12:53 PM ET
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian forces shot dead 13 protesters Friday, activists said, as tens of thousands demanded the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad, chanting "we will kneel only to God." | Full Article
U.S. Postal Service looks to cut 220,000 jobs
August 12, 2011 02:05 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Postal Service would eliminate about 220,000 full-time jobs and shutter about 300 processing facilities by 2015 under a proposal to bring its finances in order, a postal official said on Friday. | Full Article
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Spoilers don't ruin stories or films?
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Turkish woman hopes to become "miracle mom"

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Japan's tsunami broke off a piece of Antarctica

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