
Morning Digest: Strike shuts down Greece before austerity vote

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News Good Morning Bit
Strike shuts down Greece before austerity vote
ATHENS (Reuters) - A massive general strike brought Greece to a standstill on Wednesday and thousands of angry protesters took to the streets, while parliament prepared to vote on deep public sector cuts and riot police braced for violence. | Full Article
Israeli soldier Shalit, Palestinians freed in captive swap
October 19, 2011 05:27 AM ET
GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and hundreds of Palestinians crossed Israel's borders in opposite directions on Tuesday as a thousand-for-one prisoner swap brought joy to families but did little to ease decades of conflict. | Full Article
Stock futures signal weaker Wall Street open
October 19, 2011 04:48 AM ET
(Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a weaker open for equities on Wall Street on Wednesday after strong gains in the previous session, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 down 0.3 to 0.9 percent. | Full Article
Music streaming site Deezer to launch in 100 countries
October 19, 2011 04:05 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - French on-line music streaming service Deezer will launch in more than 100 countries in the coming weeks, and the start-up is negotiating with roughly a dozen telecom operators on partnerships in a bid to expand its global reach. | Full Article
More Facebook friends linked to bigger brain areas
October 18, 2011 07:08 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists have found a direct link between the number of "friends" a person has on Facebook and the size of certain brain regions, raising the possibility that using online social networks might change our brains. | Full Article
Rangers ace Wilson playing it "cool" at World Series
October 18, 2011 08:16 PM ET
(Reuters) - Texas Rangers starting pitcher C.J. Wilson said he may have an edge in dealing with temperatures expected to dip near the freezing mark in Wednesday's Game One of the World Series in St. Louis -- cryotherapy. | Full Article
McCartney ex-wife Heather Mills sued by hairdresser
October 18, 2011 09:42 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills has been sued by a Los Angeles hairdresser who claims the former reality TV show contestant failed to pay as much as $80,000 as she pursued stardom in Hollywood. | Full Article
Los Angeles police "embarrassed" after gun cache stolen
October 18, 2011 02:59 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Los Angeles police officials searched on Monday for a stolen cache of submachine guns and semi-automatic handguns that disappeared from a SWAT training facility, and said they were embarrassed by the loss. | Full Article
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9-year-old designated driver in Michigan

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Anti-Gaddafi tanks bombard Sirte

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Apple's unusual earnings miss

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