
Morning Digest: Violence offers glimpse of Greece's reform challenge

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News Good Morning Bit
Violence offers glimpse of Greece's reform challenge
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greeks swept rocks and broken glass from the streets of Athens on Monday after a night of violence that gave lawmakers a taste of the challenge they face in implementing a deeply unpopular austerity bill demanded by the country's foreign lenders. | Full Article
Arabs pledge support for Syria opposition
February 13, 2012 04:32 AM ET
AMMAN/CAIRO (Reuters) - Syrian forces resumed their bombardment of the city of Homs on Monday after Arab countries called for U.N. peacekeepers and pledged their firm support for the opposition battling President Bashar al-Assad. | Full Article
Progress on Greek deal lifts euro, global shares
February 13, 2012 03:25 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - The Greek parliament's approval of austerity measures to secure a much-needed bailout lifted the euro and European shares on Monday, although with further steps needed before the shadow of a debt default can be lifted, gains may be limited. | Full Article
Apple launches new legal attack on Samsung phones
February 13, 2012 12:51 AM ET
(Reuters) - Apple Inc raised the stake in an intensifying global patent battle with Samsung Electronics by targeting the latest model using Google's fast growing Android software, a move which may affect other Android phone makers. | Full Article
Rapunzel number helps scientists quantify ponytails
February 10, 2012 12:26 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - British scientists said on Friday that a "Rapunzel Number" may have helped them to crack a problem that has perplexed humanity since Leonardo da Vinci pondered it 500 years ago. | Full Article
Kobe-mania reigns in Lakers win over Toronto
February 12, 2012 07:18 PM ET
TORONTO (Reuters) - 'Linsanity' may be the NBA's newest smash hit but the Kobe Bryant Show remains one of professional basketball's longest running acts. | Full Article
Adele triumphs at Grammys with six wins
February 13, 2012 03:49 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Soul singer Adele triumphed in her return to music's stage on Sunday, scooping up six Grammys and winning every category in which she was nominated including album of the year for "21" and best record with "Rolling In the Deep." | Full Article
Russia's Putin gets a drink fit for dinosaurs
February 10, 2012 11:28 AM ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin received a drink fit for dinosaurs on Friday when he was presented with a sample of ancient water from a sub-glacial Antarctic lake pierced by Russian scientists. | Full Article
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Houston mourned by childhood friends

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Whitney Houston's daughter hospitalized

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Police dodge petrol bombs, stones

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