
Technology Report: Mobile operators unconvinced by Nokia's revival bid

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Mobile operators unconvinced by Nokia's revival bid
(Reuters) - Nokia's bid to challenge the dominance of Apple's iPhone and Google's Android has failed to convince telecom operators in Europe, depriving it of powerful allies in its fight to regain the top spot in the mobile market.
Nokia's elusive recovery rekindles strategy doubts
HELSINKI (Reuters) - When Stephen Elop bet Nokia's future on a deal with Microsoft, he was hit with a barrage of criticism. After a year of respite, the chief executive is again being haunted by a decision that is costing the shrinking mobile phone company sales and favor.
Apple investors brace for more turbulence
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc's results will be dissected more closely than ever next week, after a share swoon raised concerns on Wall Street that the stock's gravity-defying rally may be losing steam.
Google CEO says Android important, not critical
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The Android smartphone operating system is a very important asset for Google Inc, but it is not critical, the company's chief executive officer said in courtroom testimony.
U.S. judge sends Apple, Samsung to settlement talks
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics Co Ltd agreed that their chief executives would participate in settlement talks to try to resolve a patent lawsuit over smartphone and tablet technology, according to a court filing.
Analysis: In Asia, BlackBerry's RIM sees a glimmer of hope
JAKARTA (Reuters) - The launch in India of a new BlackBerry by Research In Motion Ltd is not just a nod to its lower-end users who love it less for its security, push email and seamless roaming than for its simplicity and its Messaging. It's a strategy the Canadian company hopes will help fill both a hole in its balance sheet and a half-year wait for its next big thing — the BlackBerry 10 platform.
Twitter to limit use of patents in lawsuits
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter said on Tuesday that it would structure its patents so they could not be used for offensive litigation purposes without permission from the people who developed them.
Exclusive: Former RIM boss sought strategy shift before he quit
TORONTO (Reuters) - Former Research In Motion co-chief executive Jim Balsillie sought to reinvent the BlackBerry smartphone maker with a radical shift in strategy before he stepped down, two sources with knowledge of his plans said.
Sony, AU Optronics in talks on OLED TV production: report
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Sony Corp is in talks with Taiwan's AU Optronics Corp to jointly produce next-generation OLED televisions, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported, positioning itself for the post-liquid crystal display (LCD) TV market.
Intel eyes sales pickup, investors cautious
(Reuters) - Top chipmaker Intel Corp posted earnings confirming the PC industry is alive -- but not kicking -- and said sales would accelerate in the second half of the year with a powerful new PC processor.
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