
Morning Digest: Euro zone, IMF secure deal on cutting Greek debt

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Euro zone, IMF secure deal on cutting Greek debt
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Euro zone finance ministers and the International Monetary Fund clinched agreement on reducing Greece's debt on Monday in a breakthrough to release urgently needed loans to keep the near-bankrupt economy afloat..
Arafat's grave opened for poison tests
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Forensic experts took samples from Yasser Arafat's buried corpse in the West Bank on Tuesday, trying to determine if he was murdered by Israeli agents using the hard-to-trace radioactive poison, Polonium..
Stock futures signal slightly higher open
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock futures pointed to a higher open on Wall Street on Tuesday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 rising 0.1 to 0.2 percent..
"Two and a Half Men" star finds religion, calls TV show "filth"
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Angus T. Jones, star of CBS's raunchy television comedy "Two and a Half Men", has urged viewers to change the channel, saying his new-found religious beliefs are at odds with his job playing a fun-loving teen on the popular show..
NFL: Panthers shoot down Eagles, spoil Brown's hot debut
(Reuters) - Even an eye-catching NFL debut by running back Bryce Brown failed to halt Philadelphia's downward slide as the Carolina Panthers beat the nose-diving Eagles 30-22 on Monday..
Bitter struggle over Internet regulation to dominate global summit
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - An unprecedented debate over how the global Internet is governed is set to dominate a meeting of officials in Dubai next week, with many countries pushing to give a United Nations body broad regulatory powers even as the United States and others contend such a move could mean the end of the open Internet..
U.S. astronaut, Russian cosmonaut to spend a year in space
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two veterans of the International Space Station will return for an experimental year-long stay aboard the orbital outpost, a test run for future missions to the moon, asteroids and Mars, NASA said on Monday..
World's first toilet park flush with success in Korea
SUWON, South Korea (Reuters) - Rodin's Thinker is pondering even harder than usual as he sits astride a toilet at what has been dubbed the world's first theme park dedicated to the humble restroom - a monument to one South Korean man's vision..
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