
Morning Digest: Syrian army on offensive in Aleppo after university blast

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Syrian army on offensive in Aleppo after university blast
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian armed forces launched a renewed offensive in the northern city of Aleppo on Wednesday, state media said, a day after 87 people were killed in explosions at the city's university..
Israeli left seeks to regain appeal with focus on economy
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - In decline since the peace it sought with the Palestinians unraveled into violence, Israel's Labour Party looks set to regain some lost ground in next week's election after waging an economy-focused campaign..
Stock index futures point to lower open on Wall Street, Boeing in focus
LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. stock index futures pointed to a lower open on Wall Street on Wednesday, with futures for the S&P 500 down 0.3 percent, Dow Jones futures off 0.2 percent and the Nasdaq 100 contract 0.1 percent lower at 0922 GMT..
Adam Lambert, "Smash," "Wallflower" among GLAAD award nominees
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Television shows "The New Normal" and "Smash," animated film "ParaNorman," and "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert were among nominees on Wednesday for the GLAAD Media Awards..
Smyzcek meets his mirror match in Ferrer defeat
(Reuters) - At times on Wednesday, Tim Smyczek thought he was playing against himself in a mirror. Only, the mirror image was just a little better..
France delays move to make Web giants pay for networks
PARIS (Reuters) - France backed away from legislation to make Internet companies including Google pay for the burden they place on telecommunications networks, opting instead to ask a commission to study the controversial issue..
Russia plans to send probe to moon in 2015
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia will resume a long-dormant quest to explore the moon by sending an unmanned probe there in 2015, the head of the space agency was quoted as saying on Tuesday..
Australian outlaw Ned Kelly to be laid to rest, 132 years later
SYDNEY (Reuters) - The remains of Australia's most famous outlaw, Ned Kelly, are finally to be laid to rest, 132 years after he was hanged for murder..
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