
Technology Report: FBI says more cooperation with banks key to probe of cyber attacks

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FBI says more cooperation with banks key to probe of cyber attacks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI last month gave temporary security clearances to scores of U.S. bank executives to brief them on the investigation into the cyber attacks that have repeatedly disrupted online banking websites for most of a year.
Dell committee seeks more info from Icahn, Southeastern
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Dell Inc's special board committee asked activist investor Carl Icahn on Monday for details of his plan to buy the computer maker, including how he would finance a cash payout for shareholders and who would run the company if his preferred slate of board directors was installed.
Amazon buys Liquavista from Samsung, launches digital currency
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc said on Monday it had acquired Liquavista NV from Samsung Electronics Co to help the world's largest Internet retailer develop new displays for mobile devices.
Nintendo wins appeals court decision over Wii
(Reuters) - Nintendo Co, one of the world's largest makers of video game players, won a U.S. appeals court decision in a patent case that will allow it to keep importing its popular Wii system into the United States.
Analysis: Google+ struggles to attract brands, some neglect to update
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - To mark the Cinco de Mayo holiday this year, Domino's Pizza festooned its Facebook page with a string of posts, including an image of a Mexican-themed guacamole pizza that garnered over 2,000 "likes". But visitors to Domino's companion Google+ page on that day found less festive fare: The most recent post was from October 2012.
New apps bring live music into the home
TORONTO (Reuters) - Music lovers wanting to hear live tunes without going to a concert or club or leaving the comfort of their home can use new computer apps that connect them to events in venues around the world.
Top U.S. admiral puts cyber security on the Navy's radar
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Cyber security and warfare are on par with a credible nuclear deterrent in the defense priorities of the United States, the U.S. Navy's top admiral said on Monday, after the Pentagon accused China of trying to hack into its computer networks.
Hon Hai's Apple pie under threat from Pegatron
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd , the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer, faces growing competition from cross-town rival Pegatron Corp , a company that is just a quarter of its size by revenue.
France weighs 'culture tax' for Apple, Google products
PARIS (Reuters) - President Francois Hollande will decide by the end of July whether France should impose new taxes on technology giants like Apple and Google to finance cultural projects, a move that could feed into an anti-business image days after a spat with Yahoo!.
London's Unruly snaps up viral video firm Shareifyoulike
LONDON (Reuters) - Unruly, one of London's hottest tech companies, has made its first acquisition, buying Germany's Shareifyoulike to gain the leading position in viral video marketing in the country.
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