
Morning Digest: Obama to choose Yellen for top Fed job, markets relieved

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Obama to choose Yellen for top Fed job, markets relieved
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will nominate Fed number two Janet Yellen on Wednesday to run the world's most influential central bank, providing some relief to markets that would expect her to tread carefully in winding down economic stimulus..
China's Bo Xilai allowed to appeal against life in jail
BEIJING (Reuters) - A court in eastern China on Wednesday allowed ousted former senior politician Bo Xilai to appeal against a guilty verdict on charges of corruption and abuse of power handed out last month which earned him a life sentence..
U.S. budget deadlock sends shares to 1-month low, Yellen news lifts dollar
LONDON (Reuters) - Rising anxiety over the budget deadlock in Washington drove world shares down for a third day on Wednesday, though the expected nomination of Janet Yellen to head the U.S. Federal Reserve lifted the dollar..
Reality TV stars Kris and Bruce Jenner say they have separated
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Kardashian reality television family matriarch Kris Jenner and Olympic gold medal athlete Bruce Jenner have separated, the couple said in a joint statement to celebrity outlet E! News on Tuesday..
Murray pulls out of ATP World Finals
LONDON (Reuters) - Wimbledon champion Andy Murray has withdrawn from next month's World Tour Finals in London as he continues his recovery from back surgery..
Microsoft awards hacking expert, repairs browser bug
BOSTON (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp said on Tuesday it is paying a well-known hacking expert more than $100,000 for finding security holes in its software, one of the largest such bounties awarded to date by a high-tech company..
Karplus, Levitt, Warshel win 2013 Nobel prize for chemistry
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Three U.S. scientists won the 2013 Nobel Prize for chemistry on Wednesday for laying the foundations for development of computers to understand complex chemical processes from the purification of exhaust fumes to photosynthesis..
Marilyn Monroe plastic surgery notes, X-rays up for auction
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A physician's notes on Marilyn Monroe that indicate that the Hollywood sex symbol had undergone cosmetic surgery will be up for sale next month along with a set of her X-rays, an auction house said on Tuesday..
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