
Morning Digest: Kerry sees Iran nuclear deal in months, will protect allies

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Kerry sees Iran nuclear deal in months, will protect allies
ABU DHABI/PARIS (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Monday he hoped an agreement to end a dispute over Iran's nuclear program would be completed within months, although Washington was not engaged in a race to seal a deal..
Philippine typhoon survivors beg for help as rescuers struggle
TACLOBAN, Philippines (Reuters) - Dazed survivors begged for help and scavenged for food, water and medicine on Monday, as relief workers struggled to reach victims of a super typhoon that killed an estimated 10,000 people in the central Philippines..
Growth outlook buoys shares, earlier Fed taper talk underpins dollar
LONDON (Reuters) - Signs of solid U.S. growth supported world equities on Monday though concern it may mean the Federal Reserve could soon begin to reduce its stimulus put pressure on emerging markets..
Lady Gaga's latest frock has her airborne as 'ARTPOP' launches
NEW YORK (Reuters) - On the eve of her fourth studio album's release, pop diva Lady Gaga lived up to her reputation for doing things on a grand scale on Sunday as she donned what she called the world's first flying dress..
Armstrong says will testify with 100 percent honesty
LONDON (Reuters) - Disgraced former Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong has said he will testify with "100 percent transparency and honesty" at any independent enquiry into doping in cycling but wants assurances he will be treated fairly..
White House tech expert gets subpoena to testify on HealthCare.gov
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee issued a subpoena on Friday to compel Todd Park, the chief technology officer at the White House, to testify at a hearing next week about what went wrong with the Obamacare website..
International space crew returns Olympic torch to Earth
NEAR ZHEZKAZGAN, Kazakhstan (Reuters) - A Soyuz capsule carried an International Space Station crew of three back to Earth on Monday along with an Olympic torch that was displayed in open space as part of Russia's preparations for the Sochi 2014 Winter Games..
U.S. VP Biden congratulates wrong man in Boston mayor's race
BOSTON (Reuters) - As he watched the returns in Boston's most competitive mayoral race in two decades on Tuesday night, Marty Walsh's cell phone rang..
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