
Technology Report: British spy agency collected images of Yahoo webcam chats: Guardian

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British spy agency collected images of Yahoo webcam chats: Guardian
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's spy agency GCHQ intercepted millions of people's webcam chats and stored still images of them, including sexually explicit ones, the Guardian newspaper reported on Thursday.
Japan says any bitcoin regulation should be international
TOKYO (Reuters) - Any regulation of the bitcoin crypto-currency should involve international cooperation to avoid loopholes, Japanese vice finance minister Jiro Aichi said on Thursday.
EBay founder rejects Icahn's call for PayPal spinoff
(Reuters) - EBay Inc founder and Chairman Pierre Omidyar rejected investor Carl Icahn's call to separate the company's fast-growing PayPal payments unit, saying the businesses were better off together.
Canada blocks Rogers/Bell JV from grabbing more airwaves
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada blocked a joint venture of two of the country's biggest wireless carriers from grabbing more airwaves on Thursday, sending the latest pointed message that their dominant positions would be challenged in the fight to win over consumers.
Honey, can you pick up a tablet at the grocery store?
BARCELONA (Reuters) - Originally derided as a pricey niche product for geeks, tablet computers have become so common that supermarkets are now selling their own brands, pushing out low-cost rivals.
U.S. attorney subpoenaed Mt Gox, other bitcoin businesses: source
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara has sent subpoenas to Mt. Gox, other bitcoin exchanges, and businesses that deal in bitcoin to seek information on how they handled recent cyber attacks, a source familiar with the probe said on Wednesday.
Mexico telco regulator can aggressively police dominant firms: draft laws
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will give new telecommunications regulator IFT sweeping powers to police the operations of dominant telecoms companies and TV broadcasters, right down to their prices and discounts, a draft of laws that flesh out a landmark telcoms reform passed last year show.
British man charged with hacking Federal Reserve computers
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A British man has been charged with hacking into computer servers belonging to the U.S. Federal Reserve, and then widely disclosing personal information of people who use them.
Identity theft again leads U.S. top fraud complaints: FTC
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The seemingly intractable problem of identity theft led the list of top consumer complaints once again in 2013, with U.S. consumers reporting that they lost over $1.6 billion to various types of fraud, the Federal Trade Commission said in a report released on Thursday.
Europe invites Apple, Google to discuss 'in-app' purchases
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission announced plans on Thursday to tackle one of the scourges of the modern age - games on tablets and mobile phones that allow adults and children to rack up vast credit card bills by making "in-app" purchases.
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