
Morning Digest: Truce crumbles as 40 killed in Gaza, rockets hit Israel

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Truce crumbles as 40 killed in Gaza, rockets hit Israel
GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - A Gaza ceasefire crumbled only hours after it began on Friday, with at least 40 Palestinians killed by Israeli shelling and Israel accusing militants of violating the U.S.- and U.N.-brokered truce by firing rockets and mortars..
Ukraine premier stays on, envoys agree on crash site route
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine's parliament rejected Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk's resignation on Thursday and finally passed legislation he said was needed to finance an army offensive against a separatist rebellion in the east and avert a national default on its debts..
Asia stocks sideswiped by Wall Street, but China motors on
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Asian shares were mostly under water on Friday after a sudden slump on Wall Street spilled over globally, though a surprisingly strong pick up in manufacturing helped Chinese markets hold at seven-month highs..
Night at the museum: U.S. adults embrace art, science sleepovers
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Kids have been sleeping overnight in museums across the country for years, dozing off among live sharks and dinosaur bones. Now adults are getting to join the fun..
Seahawks running back Lynch ends his holdout
(Reuters) - The Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks were given a welcome boost on Thursday when running back Marshawn Lynch ended a one-week holdout by reporting for camp at the team's practice facility..
Microsoft ordered by U.S. judge to submit customer's emails from abroad
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp must turn over a customer's emails and other account information stored in a data center in Ireland to the U.S. government, a judge ruled on Thursday, in a case that has drawn concern from privacy groups and major technology companies..
Octopus mom protects her eggs for an astonishing 4-1/2 years
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If someone were to create an award for "mother of the year" in the animal kingdom, a remarkably dedicated eight-limbed mom from the dark and frigid depths of the Pacific Ocean might be a strong contender..
Family finds 300-year-old sunken treasure off Florida's east coast
ORLANDO Fla. (Reuters) - A Florida family scavenging for sunken treasure on a shipwreck has found the missing piece of a 300-year-old gold filigree necklace sacred to Spanish priests, officials said on Tuesday..
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