
Morning Digest: Special Report: Moscow stifles dissent as soldiers return in coffins

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Special Report: Moscow stifles dissent as soldiers return in coffins
MOSCOW 2014 (Reuters) - Late last month Yelena Tumanova was handed the body of her son in a coffin at her home in Russia's Western Volga region. Anton Tumanov was 20 and a soldier serving in the Russian army in the North Caucasus region of Chechnya..
Ukraine's leader sees no military solution of crisis, eyes reforms
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine's president said on Friday there could be no military solution to his country's crisis and said he hoped "a very fragile" ceasefire in the east would hold, allowing him to focus on rebuilding the shattered economy..
Dollar heads for best run in 17 years
LONDON (Reuters) - The U.S. dollar headed for its ninth straight week of gains on Friday, some measure of how the economic fortunes of the United States and its major economic peers are diverging after six years of financial turmoil..
Actress Nicole Kidman's father dies in Singapore
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - The father of Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman has died in Singapore and police said on Friday they were investigating his "unnatural death"..
Pistorius found guilty of culpable homicide
PRETORIA (Reuters) - Oscar Pistorius was convicted of culpable homicide on Friday, having escaped the more serious charge of murder for the killing of his girlfriend, and the Olympic and Paralympic track star could face a lengthy prison sentence..
Cyber breaches rare among U.S. state-registered investment advisers -study
(Reuters) - Cyber security breaches are rare among investment advisory firms registered with U.S. states, but improvements to technology and procedures could still bolster protection of client information, state securities regulators said on Wednesday..
Ancient flying reptile named after 'Avatar' creature
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Some of the most visually stunning sequences from director James Cameron's blockbuster movie "Avatar" involved graceful flying creatures that were ridden by blue human-like beings facing ecological destruction on a moon called Pandora..
In Japan, grave times for the tombstone trade
TOKYO (Reuters) - Jianxing An can see he is in a dying business..
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