
Morning Digest: First Iraqi Kurdish forces enter Syria's Kobani: monitoring group

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First Iraqi Kurdish forces enter Syria's Kobani: monitoring group
BEIRUT (Reuters) - About 10 Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters entered the Syrian town of Kobani through the border crossing with Turkey on Thursday, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said..
Ukraine gas supplies in doubt as Russia seeks EU payment deal
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ukraine's efforts to unblock deliveries of Russian gas as winter sets in were deadlocked on Thursday as Moscow's negotiators were quoted demanding firmer commitments from the European Union to cover Kiev's pre-payments for energy..
Businesses, trade to support U.S. third-quarter growth
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A robust pace of business spending likely buoyed U.S. economic growth in the third quarter, a sign corporate chieftains have confidence in the sustainability of the recovery..
Indian film-maker hopes to take gay issues out of the closet
MUMBAI (Reuters) - An Indian director is hoping her new film will throw a spotlight on gay rights in a country where homosexuality remains taboo and little progress has been made on repealing a colonial-era law banning gay sex..
Bumgarner rides to the rescue for World Series win
KANSAS CITY Missouri (Reuters) - The San Francisco Giants rode workhorse left-hander Madison Bumgarner all the way to their third World Series crown in five years with a Game Seven victory over the Kansas City Royals on Wednesday..
Facebook spending gets thumbs up from analysts - if not investors
(Reuters) - Another day, another quarterly report from a technology company that disappointed investors..
Probe of Virginia rocket blast begins; space station supplied
WALLOPS Va./CAPE CANAVERAL Fla. (Reuters) - Authorities on Wednesday started investigating what caused an unmanned U.S. supply rocket to explode in a fireball moments after liftoff from a Virginia launch pad, destroying cargo and equipment bound for the International Space Station..
Man who vanished from Denver NFL game said he 'had his fill of football'
DENVER (Reuters) - A man who vanished during a National Football League game in Denver last week only to be found safe days later told police afterward that he had had his "fill of football" and had wanted to go somewhere warmer, authorities said on Wednesday..
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