
Morning Digest: Tough road ahead for Obama after Republicans seize Senate

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Tough road ahead for Obama after Republicans seize Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans rode a wave of voter discontent to seize control of the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, dealing a punishing blow to President Barack Obama that will limit his legislative agenda and may force him to make a course correction for his last two years in office..
Hong Kong students fine-tune plan to take democracy call to Beijing
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Students calling for full democracy for Chinese-ruled Hong Kong are hoping to take their protest to Communist Party rulers in Beijing and are expected to announce details of their new battle plan on Thursday..
Republican election gains send dollar to seven-year high versus yen
LONDON (Reuters) - Sweeping Republican party wins in U.S. mid-term elections pushed the dollar to a seven-year high against the yen and lifted U.S. stock futures on Wednesday, as more soft data from China left oil at its lowest in four years..
Beyonce highest paid woman in music in 2014 with $115 million: Forbes
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Beyonce is the highest paid woman in music in 2014, with estimated earnings of $115 million, more than double what she pulled in last year, Forbes magazine said on Tuesday..
Minnesota Vikings' Peterson reaches plea deal to avoid jail
AUSTIN Texas (Reuters) - Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson reached a plea deal on Tuesday to charges of abusing his 4-year-old son that would see the former NFL most valuable player avoid any jail time..
Thai police say Pirate Bay co-founder to be extradited within a month
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thai police said on Wednesday the co-founder of the file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, who was arrested this week at the Laos border, would be extradited to Sweden to serve a jail term within the next month..
Pilot mystery at heart of Virgin Galactic spaceship crash probe
MOJAVE Calif. (Reuters) - The probe of Virgin Galactic's space plane crash in California hinges on a central mystery: Why a seasoned test pilot would prematurely unlock the craft's moveable tail section, setting off a chain of events that led to destruction of the ship and his death..
Former NY Mayor Bloomberg cancels purchase of insulting web domains
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg called off the purchase of a slew of website domain names that insult and belittle him and his work, a spokeswoman said on Tuesday..
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