
Reuters Morning Digest: April 20, 2016

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Mitsubishi Motors says it manipulated fuel economy tests, shares tumble
TOKYO (Reuters) - Mitsubishi Motors Corp said it falsified fuel economy test data to make emissions levels look more favorable, and its shares slumped more than 15 percent, wiping $1.2 billion from its market value on Wednesday.
U.S. defense chief lays ground for Obama meeting with Gulf allies
RIYADH (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter and his Gulf Arab counterparts met in Riyadh on Wednesday to discuss ways to counter Iran and fight the Islamic State group, laying the ground for President Barack Obama's arrival in Saudi Arabia later in the day.
VW resists move for trial instead of EPA settlement
BERLIN (Reuters) - Volkswagen is resisting a demand from plaintiffs in the United States to go to trial rather than settle its diesel emissions case with the Environmental Protection Agency, according to a court filing.
Yahoo results edge past estimates in good sign for sale of business
San Francisco (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc's first-quarter results beat Wall Street estimates by a hair on Tuesday in what was taken as a good sign for the web pioneer's plan to auction its core business.
Half Australia's Great Barrier Reef coral 'dead or dying': scientists
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian scientists said on Wednesday that just seven percent of the Great Barrier Reef, which attracts around A$5 billion ($3.90 billion) in tourism every year, has been untouched by mass bleaching that is likely to destroy half the coral.
Sky withdraw Henao over biological data concerns
LONDON (Reuters) - Colombian rider Sergio Henao has been withdrawn from racing by Team Sky after concerns re-surfaced about his biological data, the British outfit said on Wednesday.
Star Wars cast design their own BB-8s
LONDON - The cast of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and a range of British celebrities have showcased a collection of droids inspired by BB-8 in a fundraising auction and exhibition in London.
French baker fires his savior instead of giving him his business
PARIS (Reuters) - A French baker who promised to give his business to the homeless man that saved his life has fired him instead.
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