
Thursday Morning Briefing

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Police arrested eight people in the investigation into a lone-wolf attacker who killed three people and injured 40 before being shot dead by police near parliament in London, Britain's most senior counter-terrorism officer said on Thursday. Prime Minister Theresa May said the attacker was British-born and known to intelligence services. The attacker sped across Westminster Bridge in a car, plowing into pedestrians along the way, then ran through the gates of the nearby parliament building and stabbed a policeman before being shot dead.

Live updates: UK parliament attack
Video: Footage shows moment of attack

The Wider Image: Reuters photographer witnesses the London attack (graphic images)

A woman assists an injured person after an incident on Westminster Bridge in London, March 22, 2017. REUTERS/Toby Melville




  • The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee set off a political firestorm on Wednesday when he said the communications of members of Donald Trump's transition team were caught up in incidental surveillance targeting foreigners. The White House seized on Representative Devin Nunes' remarks, which had cited anonymous sources, to bolster Trump's unproven assertion that former President Barack Obama's administration spied on the incoming president.
  • U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has directed U.S. diplomatic missions to identify "populations warranting increased scrutiny" and toughen screening for visa applicants in those groups, according to diplomatic cables seen by Reuters. "What this language effectively does is give the consular posts permission to step away from the focused factors they have spent years developing and revising, and instead broaden the search to large groups based on gross factors such as nationality and religion," said Jay Gairson, a Seattle-based immigration attorney.
  • U.S. President Donald Trump and House of Representatives leaders pushed on Wednesday for votes for their plan to overhaul Obamacare and said they were making progress in their efforts to win over conservative Republicans who have demanded changes to the legislation, such as scrapping “essential health benefits” outlined under Obamacare, such as mental health care. But the bill appeared to be losing traction among Republican moderates. Representative Charlie Dent, a leader of the "Tuesday Group" of House Republican moderates, issued a statement saying he could not back the bill on the grounds that it would “lead to the loss of coverage and make insurance unaffordable for too many Americans, particularly for low- to moderate-income and older individuals."
  • A police officer and three other people were killed in a string of shootings, including at a bank and a law firm, in central Wisconsin following what police referred to as domestic incident, media reported on Wednesday.
  • As a grueling U.S. Senate confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch finishes on Thursday, the spotlight turns to whether he will gain the support of vulnerable Democratic senators who are up for re-election in 2018.



  • Wall Street readies itself for a Trump Tantrum.
  • Stocks and sterling held their ground on Thursday as markets took the latest European terror attack largely in stride.
  • U.S. President Donald Trump’s White House has said his plans to slash environmental regulations will trigger a new energy boom and help the United States drill its way to independence from foreign oil. But the top U.S. oil and gas companies have been telling their shareholders that regulations have little impact on their business, according to a Reuters review of U.S. securities filings from the top producers.
  • Verizon and AT&T joined a list of well-known British brands such as retailer Marks and Spencer Group Plc deserting Alphabet Inc's Google. Google is under fire in Europe from politicians and brands angered by ads appearing alongside videos on its YouTube platform carrying homophobic or anti-Semitic messages.



