
Reuters Technology Report: Microsoft responded quietly after detecting secret database hack in 2013

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Microsoft responded quietly after detecting secret database hack in 2013
(Reuters) - Microsoft Corp's secret internal database for tracking bugs in its own software was broken into by a highly sophisticated hacking group more than four years ago, according to five former employees, in only the second known breach of such a corporate database.
Patently tough: Long road ahead for Qualcomm in China case against Apple
SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) - Qualcomm Inc wants to hit Apple Inc where it hurts most: iPhone sales in China - one of its biggest global markets where most of its flagship smartphones are made.
Netflix adds more subscribers than expected, shares hit record
(Reuters) - Netflix Inc added more subscribers than expected around the world in the third quarter and projected growth in line with Wall Street forecasts, saying it had a head start on rivals as internet television explodes globally.
Facebook buys teen app tbh
(Reuters) - Facebook Inc has acquired tbh, an app popular among teens, as the world's largest social network looks to attract more users.
Uber's European policy chief quits, FT says
LONDON (Reuters) - Uber's European policy chief Christopher Burghardt has quit to join the electric vehicle charging network company Chargepoint, the Financial Times reported on Tuesday, the latest senior figure to depart from the taxi app.
U.S. Supreme Court to decide major Microsoft email privacy fight
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to resolve a major privacy dispute between the Justice Department and Microsoft Corp over whether prosecutors should get access to emails stored on company servers overseas.
Researchers uncover flaw that makes Wi-Fi vulnerable to hacks
(Reuters) - Cyber security watchdogs and researchers are issuing warnings over risks associated with a widely used system for securing Wi-Fi communications after the discovery of a flaw that could allow hackers to read information thought to be encrypted, or infect websites with malware.
Exclusive: T-Mobile, Sprint plan merger without selling assets
(Reuters) - T-Mobile U.S. Inc and Sprint Corp plan to announce a merger agreement without any immediate asset sales, as they seek to preserve as much of their spectrum holdings and cost synergies as they can before regulators ask for concessions, according to people familiar with the matter.
North Korea likely behind Taiwan SWIFT cyber heist: BAE
TORONTO (Reuters) - Cyber-security firm BAE Systems Plc said on Monday it believes the North Korean Lazarus hacking group is likely responsible for a recent cyber heist in Taiwan, the latest in a string of hacks targeting the global SWIFT messaging system.
Android co-creator's startup sued over connector technology
(Reuters) - Two of the best-known names in the smartphone hardware business are squaring off in court over new technology that allows phones to connect to devices like cameras without wires or metal connectors.
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