
Thursday Morning Briefing: Trump, White House deny wrongdoing after Cohen plea deal

united states

The White House pushed back forcefully against suggestions that a plea deal struck by President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen implicated the U.S. president in a crime.

Cohen testified that “at the direction of” the president, he arranged six-figure hush payments ahead of the 2016 presidential election to adult-film actress Stormy Daniels and former Playboy model Karen McDougal. Read our piece explaining the protections from criminal prosecution that are afforded a U.S. president and how impeachment could be used to remove Trump from office.

The Manafort-Cohen judicial bombshells will scramble political calculations not just in the United States, but in cities around the world, writes David Eckels Wade, a former chief of staff at the U.S. State Department. “The ripples will be felt anywhere Trump engages in high-stakes negotiations, but especially in five capitals: Washington, Moscow, Kiev, Beijing and Pyongyang.”

As markets speculated about Trump’s position following the legal rulings, world stocks came under pressure after new tariffs took effect in the U.S./China trade war. U.S. economic growth will slow steadily over the coming quarters after touching a four-year high in April-June, according to a Reuters poll of economists who expect Trump’s trade war to inflict damage.

Meanwhile, the arrest of a man who U.S. authorities have said is an illegal immigrant on charges of murdering an Iowa college student has thrust the case into the debate on immigration policy, with Trump blaming Mollie Tibbetts’ death on weak laws.


Hurricane Lane, threatening a direct hit as Hawaii’s worst storm in a quarter century, churned toward the main island of Oahu yesterday as schools, government offices and business closed while residents stocked up on supplies and boarded up homes.


Two Reuters journalists have been detained in Myanmar since Dec. 12, 2017. See our full coverage: https://reut.rs/2yPnwus

6:13 AM - August 23, 2018

Though Myanmar says it is ready to take back the Rohingya, the continued outflow of refugees to Bangladesh underlines the lack of progress in addressing the crisis, a year on from the start of the offensive on Aug. 25, 2017.

Israel still hopes the U.S. will recognize its claim to sovereignty over the Golan Heights, after a top U.S. official said the issue is not currently under consideration by Washington.


Chair of U.N. probe of Gaza violence quits less than month into job https://reut.rs/2wi62Cr

11:30 AM - August 23, 2018


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