
Tuesday Morning Briefing: Pompeo meets Saudi king over Khashoggi case

Saudi Arabia

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to discuss the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, as Turkish police prepared to search the Saudi consul’s residence in Istanbul in a widening probe. Alphabet’s Google became the latest company to drop out of a business conference in Saudi Arabia.

Commentary: Will the Khashoggi case bring down Saudi Arabia's crown prince? The 33-year-old Mohammed bin Salman appears to have vastly misjudged the reaction to the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi as well as the power of Donald Trump and Jared Kushner to defend the interests of Saudi Arabia in the U.S. Congress, writes David Andelman, a former foreign correspondent of author of "A Shattered Peace: Versailles 1919 and the Price We Pay Today." "Whether MbS is actually the individual able to take up the challenge of reforming Saudi Arabia and leading it is becoming increasingly questionable."


Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said President Donald Trump has reassured him of his full support after the Republican president described his Pentagon chief as “sort of a Democrat” who could leave the administration.

Democratic U.S. Representative Beto O’Rourke faces a key test when he faces off in his second debate with U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, as recent opinion polls show the Republican incumbent pulling away from his liberal challenger for the Texas seat.

A U.S. judge dismissed adult film actress Stormy Daniels’s defamation lawsuit against Trump and ordered her to pay his attorney’s fees, saying a tweet the president had written referring to her was protected by free-speech laws.


Smugglers, in ever growing numbers, emerge with a ragtag group of Venezuelan migrants – men struggling under tattered suitcases, women hugging bundles in blankets and schoolchildren carrying backpacks. They step across rocks, wade into the muddy stream and cross illegally into Colombia. This is the new migration from Venezuela.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose government faces a crucial by-election in four days, said Canberra was open to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, prompting concern from Indonesian and Palestinian officials.


Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, two @Reuters journalists, have been imprisoned in Myanmar since Dec. 12, 2017. Follow the case: https://reut.rs/2yPnwus

2:41 AM - OCT 16, 2018


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