
Friday Morning Briefing: Federal agencies squeezed by U.S. government shutdown

U.S. Government Shutdown

President Donald Trump was considering declaring a national emergency that would likely escalate a policy dispute with Democrats over his proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall into a court test of presidential power. Critics of the national emergency strategy have said it may be illegal. In any case, it was almost certain to trigger an immediate court challenge from Democrats, including an accusation of trying to circumvent Congress’ power over the national purse strings.

Federal law enforcement agencies that keep Americans safe are starting to feel the strain of the U.S. government shutdown, in its 21st day, with agents working for no pay and investigations delayed, law enforcement officials said. Some 800,000 employees from the departments of Homeland Security and Transportation, among others, have been furloughed or are working without pay. Private contractors working for many government agencies are also without pay and private companies that rely on business from federal workers or other consumers - such as national park visitors - are affected across the country. Take a look at what departments are being worst affected around the federal government.


China plans to set a lower economic growth target of 6-6.5 percent in 2019 compared with last year’s target of “around” 6.5 percent, policy sources told Reuters, as Beijing gears up to cope with higher U.S. tariffs and weakening domestic demand.

Despite more than a year of international engagement and promises of economic reform by North Korea’s leaders, the human rights situation in the isolated country remains dire, a top U.N. rights official said. U.N. special rapporteur for human rights in North Korea Tomas Quintana visited South Korea this week as part of an investigation that will be provided to the U.N. Human Rights Council in March.


The president of Japan’s Olympic Committee under formal investigation by French prosecutors on suspicion of corruption https://reut.rs/2D3WXBE via @EmmmanuelJarry

7:35 AM - Jan 11, 2019


A Myanmar court rejected the appeal of two Reuters reporters sentenced to seven years in jail on charges of breaking the Official Secrets Act, saying the defense had not provided sufficient evidence to show they were innocent. Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo have been imprisoned in Myanmar for 396 days: follow updates on the case.

Two of the biggest donors to the Brexit campaign say they now believe the project they championed will eventually be abandoned by the government and the United Kingdom will stay in the European Union.

The U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State has begun the process of withdrawing from Syria, a spokesman said, indicating the start of a U.S. pullout that has been clouded by mixed messages from Washington. The coalition “has begun the process of our deliberate withdrawal from Syria. Out of concern for operational security, we will not discuss specific timelines, locations or troop movements,” Colonel Sean Ryan said.

Commentary: Israel boycott ban is not about free speech U.S. senators may soon vote on whether state governments can withhold contracts or investments from companies that boycott Israel. While 26 states already have laws to this effect, this should not be seen as a free speech issue, writes Zach Schapira, executive director of the J’accuse Coalition for Justice. “While First Amendment arguments must be evaluated in these lawsuits [against the legislation], ignoring the well-established distinction between speech and action grossly misrepresents the controversy.”


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Santander’s increasing reliance on Brazil shows how emerging markets can still provide a jolt of growth. The Brazilian unit contributed 26 percent of group profits in the first nine months of 2018, up from 19 percent four years ago. Santander Brasil’s stock price has surged more than two thirds in the last 12 months, vastly outperforming the shares of its parent company, as well as those of Itau and Bradesco.

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