
Reuters Morning Digest: June 26, 2019

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Americans demand climate action (as long as it doesn't cost much): Reuters poll
Nearly 70 percent of Americans, including a majority of Republicans, want the United States to take "aggressive" action to combat climate change - but only a third would support an extra tax of $100 a year to help, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday.
ICC prosecutor asks to open an investigation on Bangladesh, Myanmar
The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court took the next step toward opening a full investigation into alleged crimes against the Rohingya people who were driven from Myanmar to Bangladesh, a statement from the prosecutor said on Wednesday.
Swiss ban planemaker Pilatus from operating in Saudi Arabia, UAE
Switzerland has banned planemaker Pilatus from operating in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), saying on Wednesday the company had breached Swiss rules on giving logistical support to foreign armed forces now engaged in a war in Yemen.
U.S. senators say social media letting algorithms 'run wild'
A U.S. Senate panel on Tuesday questioned how major social media companies like Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google unit use algorithms and artificial intelligence to serve up new content to keep users engaged.
U.S. patent agency to review Harvard, MIT's claim to CRISPR technology
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Monday said it would review whether Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can claim rights to a gene-editing technology known as CRISPR, adding fuel to a rivalry between those institutions and the University of California.
Federer seeded second at Wimbledon, Nadal drops to three
Eight-time champion Roger Federer was confirmed as the second seed for Wimbledon on Wednesday, bumping Rafael Nadal down to third despite being ranked below the Spaniard.
Jackson fans sing, sob, leave sunflowers and roses on 10th anniversary of death
With roses crafted into heart shapes and crowns made of bright yellow sunflowers, Michael Jackson fans from as far afield as Iran and Japan paid tribute on Tuesday to the King of Pop on the 10th anniversary of his death.
Trump's half-cocked and loaded tweet draws barrage of reaction
U.S. President Donald Trump, whose Twitter malaprops often set off a deluge of social media criticism, was targeted on Friday for a linguistic misfire involving the phrase "locked and loaded."
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U.S. House passes $4.5 billion border aid bill
Special Counsel Mueller to testify before congress
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Cox: Amsterdam has first-world financial dilemma
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