
Friday Morning Briefing: Striking students demand leaders act on climate


Student climate strikers to world leaders: 'Do your jobs' Tens of thousands of students are taking to the streets across Asia and Europe for a global strike demanding world leaders gathering at a U.N. climate summit adopt urgent measures to avert an environmental catastrophe. Three researchers, all in their 20s, are pursuing an invisible threat to the planet: methane.

Buttigieg, Harris head to Iowa With just a little over four months until Iowa holds the first-in-the-nation caucuses for 2020 election, Democratic presidential hopefuls Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris are making a renewed push in the state, hiring dozens of staff and opening new offices.

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure Democrat Adam Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, accused the Justice Department of blocking intelligence officials from giving Congress a whistleblower complaint reported to involve communications between President Donald Trump and a foreign leader.


Amnesty accuses Hong Kong police of torture The human rights group accused police of a range of abuses in their handling of more than three months of pro-democracy protests. Police say they have shown restraint on the street in the face of increased violence.

Letter detailing civilian presence failed to prevent deadly Afghan drone strike Twelve days ahead of the pine-nut harvest season, the governor of Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar province received a letter from village elders to help protect laborers from getting caught in clashes. On Wednesday, a U.S. drone killed 30 civilians and injured 40 others, according to three officials.

Saudi Arabia shows attack site damage Saudi Arabia took media to inspect oil facilities hit by attacks that Washington and Riyadh blame on Iran, showing melted pipes and burnt equipment.

Ireland says Brexit deal is not yet close, but 'mood music' has improved Britain and the European Union are not yet close to a Brexit deal that could resolve the Irish border riddle and London needs to come up with serious proposals, Ireland said. But Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, added that there is an ‘intent’ by all sides to try and find a landing zone.

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No crowds as Apple's iPhone 11 hits stores in China

Apple’s iPhone 11 product line hit stores in China without the throngs of people who camped out ahead of previous launches.

4 Min Read

Zuckerberg looks for friends on The Hill

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg met with President Donald Trump during a fence-mending visit to Washington where the chief executive faced aggressive questioning from lawmakers about the social network’s failures to protect consumer privacy.

5 min read

FAA waiting for more software details before 737 MAX can return to service

Boeing still has a series of steps to complete before the 737 MAX can return to service, including submitting a pre-production version of a software update, Federal Aviation Administration chief Steve Dickson said.

2 min read

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