
Friday Morning Briefing: China, U.S. agree tariff rollback

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China, U.S. agree tariff rollback if phase one deal is completed China and the United States have agreed to roll back tariffs on each others’ goods in a “phase one” trade deal if it is completed, sparking division among some advisers to President Donald Trump.

Why are Republicans hell-bent on exposing Trump whistleblower? A whistleblower who complained about Trump’s Ukraine phone call has become a target of noisy attacks by the president, Republican lawmakers and conservative media. Why are they all hell-bent on unmasking the intelligence official?

Bloomberg considering jump into 2020 Democratic race Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is strongly considering entering the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, a move that could greatly disrupt the field just three months before the first nominating contests.

Mexican cartel massacre victims' family urge U.S. help
Angry kin of nine American citizens massacred in a suspected gangland ambush in northern Mexico urged the government to accept U.S. help to destroy drug cartels that one grieving relative described as being “as bad or worse than ISIS.”


Death of Hong Kong student likely to add fuel to unrest A student at a Hong Kong university who fell one floor in a parking lot during protests over the weekend has died. The first student death in months of anti-government demonstrations in the Chinese-ruled city is likely to be a trigger for fresh unrest.

Looking for a hero: A hooded, muscular man shielding himself with a traffic “Stop” sign during a clash with police amid protests in the Chilean capital has gone viral on social networks, with the man being lauded as a romantic hero of the struggle that has raged for the past three weeks.

United Kingdom might not exist in a decade An Ipsos Mori poll showed half of UK’s citizens thought the United Kingdom would not exist in 10 years, up from 43% in 2014 as it heads towards its latest Brexit deadline of Jan. 31 with growing demands for an independence referendum in Scotland and for a vote on Northern Ireland unifying with the Republic of Ireland.

Dozens feared missing after an ambush on workers near a Canadian-owned mine in Burkina Faso killed at least 37, the worst such attack for years in a country plagued by jihadist violence.


Exclusive: Boon for Hong Kong as Alibaba eyes $15 billion late November listing

Alibaba plans to launch a Hong Kong share offering to raise $10 billion to $15 billion in the final week of November, in a deal that could boost the Asian financial hub as it struggles with anti-government protests.

6 min read

Billionaires' wealth falls for the first time in a decade

The world’s richest people became a little less well off last year, according to a report by UBS and PwC, as geopolitical turmoil and volatile equity markets reduced the wealth of billionaires for the first time in a decade.

5 min read

Negative U.S. interest rates? Not likely

Fund managers and strategists at the Reuters Global Investment Outlook 2020 Summit don’t expect negative interest rates to be the next U.S. import from Europe or Japan, as those two economies are providing a real-time cautionary tale of the pitfalls of central bank stimulus efforts gone awry.

2 min read

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