
U.S. urges citizens to leave Ukraine as fears grow of Russian attacks on capital

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

by Linda Noakes


Here's what you need to know.

A European recession is now almost certain, Malaysia's top court sends ex-PM Najib to jail, and has Iran finally 'crossed the Rubicon'?

Today's biggest stories

The facade lighting of the Frauenkirche, Church of Our Lady, switched off in the evening to save energy in Dresden, Germany, August 22, 2022. REUTERS/Matthias Rietschel


Weakening economies in Germany and France piled more pressure on markets as decades-high inflation and surging gas prices drag Europe towards recession, pushing the euro to a 20-year low against the dollar. As euro zone business activity contracts again, we look at how Europe's economy succumbed to crisis.

A clutch of stocks favored by retail traders tumbled in volatile trading as news that UK-based Cineworld warned of a possible bankruptcy sent AMC shares diving almost 40% on the day that the U.S. movie chain's preferred shares started trading.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk is seeking documents from Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey as the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX pursues his legal fight to walk away from his $44 billion deal for the social media company, according to a court filing.

The U.S. Department of Labor accused a Korean-owned auto parts maker and supplier of Hyundai of violating federal child labor laws at an Alabama factory, federal court filings reviewed by Reuters show. The revelations come one month after Reuters reported the use of child labor at another Alabama auto parts plant operated by Hyundai subsidiary SMART Alabama.

Zoom cut its annual profit and revenue forecasts as demand for the video-conferencing platform cools off from pandemic highs amid stiff competition from Microsoft Teams and Cisco WebEx.

The DeFi dream is shaken. And stirred. The grand crypto project has declined in 2022: total user funds deposited in decentralized finance has shrunk to about $61 billion from over $170 billion at the start of the year, according to figures from data aggregator Defi Llama.

Members of the honor guard attend a ceremony to mark the Day of the State Flag in Lviv, Ukraine, August 23, 2022. REUTERS/Pavlo Palamarchuk


The United States urged its citizens to leave Ukraine, saying it believed Russia was preparing to target civilian and government infrastructure in the next few days as the war reaches the six-month mark. The warning followed a ban by the Ukrainian government on celebrations in the capital Kyiv on tomorrow's anniversary of independence from Soviet rule due to fears of attack. Here's what you need to know about the conflict right now.

Malaysia's top court ordered former prime minister Najib Razak to begin a 12-year prison sentence after upholding a guilty conviction on charges related to a multi-billion dollar graft scandal at state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad. Knocking back Najib's final appeal, the country's top court also denied his request for a stay of sentence.

Iran has dropped some of its main demands on resurrecting a deal to rein in Tehran's nuclear program, including its insistence that international inspectors close some probes of its atomic program, bringing the possibility of an agreement closer, a senior U.S. official told Reuters. "We think they have finally crossed the Rubicon and moved toward possibly getting back into the deal on terms that President Biden can accept," the official said.

About 2,000 anti-government demonstrators gathered outside New Zealand’s parliament to vent their frustration on a range of issues nearly six months after protesters were forcibly removed from the grounds of the legislature.

A reliance on vaccines in short supply and questions over their best use are hampering efforts to curb the global spread of monkeypox which has hit dozens of countries for the first time. The British scientists behind one of the major therapeutic COVID trials have turned their focus to treatments for monkeypox.


Former President Donald Trump asked a federal court to temporarily block the FBI from reviewing the materials it seized two weeks ago from his Florida home, until a special master can be appointed to oversee the review.

New York state voters head to the polls in the first competitive congressional election since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned national abortion rights, a contest that could prove a bellwether for November's election battles for control of Congress. Here are five races to watch.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell gave his own party a 50-50 chance of taking control of the Senate, and predicted that the chamber will remain closely divided whatever the outcome.

A former Louisville detective is expected to plead guilty today to helping to falsify a search warrant that led to the killing of Breonna Taylor, a Black woman whose death fueled a wave of protests over police violence against people of color.

A defense attorney implored a Florida jury to spare the life of Nikolas Cruz, who killed 17 people in a 2018 high school mass shooting in the city of Parkland, citing brain damage linked to fetal drug and alcohol exposure as reason not to impose the death penalty.


Blood, treasure and chaos - the cost of the conflict in Ukraine

Ukraine's turbulent history since independence

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Quote of the day

"I don't like the idea that I have to have armed federal agents with me. That's not a happy feeling."

Anthony Fauci, face of U.S. COVID response, to step down from government posts

Video of the day

Music enters Saudi society as restrictions ease

Seen for years as a taboo in conservative Saudi society, music teaching is gaining a foothold.

And finally…

Cuban entrepreneurs hope for room to grow as government ponders reform

For those seeking proof that even modest foreign investment can help propel Cuba's fledgling entrepreneurs, look no further than Oscar Fernandez's Havana-based dried fruit business.

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