
Morning Digest: Japan braces for potential radiation catastrophe

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News Good Morning Bit
Japan braces for potential radiation catastrophe
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan faced potential catastrophe on Tuesday after a quake-crippled nuclear power plant exploded and sent low levels of radiation floating toward Tokyo, prompting some people to flee the capital and others to stock up on essential supplies. | Full Article
Iran objects to foreign troops in Bahrain
March 15, 2011 04:50 AM ET
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran called the arrival of Saudi troops in Bahrain unacceptable on Tuesday and urged the island kingdom to respond to pro-democracy demonstrators peacefully and without foreign intervention. | Full Article
Stock futures drop as Japan crisis worsens
March 15, 2011 05:52 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Stock index futures dropped sharply on Tuesday, with futures for the S&P 500 down 2.8 percent, Dow Jones futures down 2.5 percent and Nasdaq 100 futures down 2.6 percent at 0935 GMT (5:35 a.m. ET), on mounting fears over Japan's nuclear crisis. | Full Article
"Get out now": Japan nuclear crisis triggers online panic
March 15, 2011 06:03 AM ET
BEIJING (Reuters) - The Internet had one overwhelming message for the world from Japan on Tuesday -- we're terrified of a nuclear meltdown and desperate to get out. | Full Article
Analysis: Predicting change: Scientists enjoy fertile times
March 14, 2011 04:23 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Times of change can be drastic -- revolutions topple dictators, extreme weather kills tens of thousands and market crashes plunge people into poverty -- but for scientists studying complex systems they are fertile ground. | Full Article
Fired-up Heat gain sweet revenge over Spurs
March 15, 2011 04:21 AM ET
MIAMI (Reuters) - The Miami Heat banished memories of their worst loss of the season by returning the favor to the San Antonio Spurs in a 110-80 thrashing of the NBA leaders on Monday. | Full Article
Rock Hall inducts Neil Diamond, Alice Cooper
March 15, 2011 02:56 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Singer and songwriter Neil Diamond was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Monday, crooning his signature mellow rock songs in a stark contrast to fellow inductee heavy metal band Alice Cooper. | Full Article
Prayer ritual alarms U.S. air crew
March 14, 2011 11:08 AM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An orthodox Jewish prayer observance by three passengers aboard an Alaska Airlines flight alarmed flight attendants unfamiliar with the ritual, prompting them to lock down the cockpit and issue a security alert, officials said. | Full Article
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Stocks down, Japan pressures ease

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Dozens killed in Afghan attack

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Car bomb targets Iraqi soldiers

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