
Morning Digest: Ratko Mladic to face tribunal on genocide charges

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News Good Morning Bit
Ratko Mladic to face tribunal on genocide charges
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Bosnian Serb wartime general Ratko Mladic will face trial on genocide charges in The Hague following his arrest in Serbia after 15 years at large, with European officials expecting his extradition within 10 days. | Full Article
Clinton in Pakistan says more to be done against militants
May 27, 2011 05:52 AM ET
ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Friday that both the United States and Pakistan needed to do more to battle Islamist militancy and that relations between the two allies had reached a turning point. | Full Article
Stock index futures signal higher open
May 27, 2011 04:59 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a higher open on Wall Street on Friday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 up 0.1 to 0.2 percent. | Full Article
Facebook, Zuckerberg say ownership suit a "fraud"
May 26, 2011 09:28 PM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Calling the case a "brazen and outrageous fraud," Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg urged a federal court on Thursday to dismiss a lawsuit by a New York man claiming he owns a huge stake in the social networking website. | Full Article
Shuttle program's last spacewalk begins
May 27, 2011 01:30 AM ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - One of NASA's most experienced spacewalkers paired with its newest on Friday for the space shuttle program's last servicing call outside the International Space Station. | Full Article
Heat rises over Bulls to reach NBA finals
May 27, 2011 03:12 AM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Miami Heat star players cast off their struggles and staged a furious finish to beat the Chicago Bulls 83-80 on Thursday and advance to the NBA finals. | Full Article
Lindsay Lohan starts house arrest for jewelry theft
May 26, 2011 09:56 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actress Lindsay Lohan began a sentence for jewelry theft under house arrest on Thursday, but is likely to serve only about 35 days of her four month term, officials said. | Full Article
FBI says "mullet bandit" holds up another bank
May 26, 2011 04:06 PM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The Ohio bank robber dubbed the "mullet bandit" by federal authorities appears to have struck again. | Full Article
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G8 leaders hail Mladic arrest

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Widows relieved over Mladic arrest

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G8 leaders meet in France

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