
Technology Report: Verizon eyes family data plans

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News Good afternoon Bit
LinkedIn made its remarkable debut on the New York Stock Exchange, at times trading more than 171 percent above its IPO price of $45. The stampede to buy the stock had some remembering back to another time when investors also loved tech stock IPOs: the 1990s and the dotcom bubble.

Does the response to LinkedIn suggest investors are in for another bubble that bursts when the fundamentals overtake the hype? Or is it a sign that investors are hungry for any piece of the social media pie and LinkedIn's happens to be first out of the oven? While Facebook, Groupon, Twitter and Zynga are still expected to go public, LinkedIn Chief Executive Jeff Weiner cautions that his company's spectacular debut should not be seen as a proxy for them.

While American social media companies are testing the IPO waters, their European counterparts at Viadao, Mind Candy, Sulake and Telmap are expressing skepticism at the Reuters Global Technology Summit about the sky-high valuations of U.S. start-ups and the potential for another bubble.

Smartphone makers should take heart. Analysts do not think that Google and Apple have a stranglehold on the industry because the owners of other platforms like Windows Phone, webOS, bada and MeeGo have deep pockets.

And good news for those who don't have room for built-in bookcases. Amazon says it is now selling more digital e-books than print books on its best-selling Kindle e-reader.
Verizon eyes family data plans
May 19, 2011 01:36 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Verizon Wireless expects to offer family plans for data services supporting multiple devices including smartphones and tablet computers at some point in the future, according to a top executive of parent company Verizon Communications. | Full Article
Google, Apple not unassailable in smartphone race
May 19, 2011 04:30 AM ET
PARIS (Reuters) - Microsoft and some smaller software vendors still have a shot in the fast-changing smartphone race even though Google and Apple are pulling rapidly ahead, industry executives said. | Full Article
Amazon says e-books now outselling paper books
May 19, 2011 12:11 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Amazon.com Inc said on Thursday that it now sells more digital e-books than paper books and that its recently introduced lower-priced Kindle e-reader is outselling other versions of the device. | Full Article
Facebook, Apple pressed on kids' mobile privacy
May 19, 2011 03:33 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A high-tech Wild West where location data, including some gleaned from teenagers' mobile devices, is scooped up and sold without consumers' consent needs to end, lawmakers told a panel of tech companies on Thursday. | Full Article
Wall Street rises; LinkedIn soars in debut
May 19, 2011 02:18 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks rose for a second day on Thursday, but mixed economic data kept confidence in the recovery on shaky ground even as LinkedIn's shares surged in the company's Wall Street debut. | Full Article
Data suggests second-quarter GDP may disappoint
May 19, 2011 02:01 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Weak data on U.S. home sales and factory activity on Thursday showed the economy stuck in a slow-growth gear, although a drop in claims for jobless aid offered hope the labor market's recovery was on track. | Full Article
Glencore's record IPO makes muted debut
May 19, 2011 12:36 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - Commodities trader Glencore made a lukewarm market debut on Thursday that handed it currency for future acquisitions, with its shares struggling to break much above its widely expected launch price of 530 pence. | Full Article
Pile of debt would stretch beyond stratosphere
May 19, 2011 02:32 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Ronald Reagan once famously said that a stack of $1,000 bills equivalent to the U.S. government's debt would be about 67 miles high. | Full Article
Fed's Evans says no need to alter easy money policy yet
May 19, 2011 01:50 PM ET
CHICAGO (Reuters) - The U.S. economy is on a firmer footing after a deep and lengthy recession, but still-high unemployment is keeping inflation under wraps and continues to warrant ongoing support from the Federal Reserve's ultra-easy money policy, a top Fed official said on Thursday. | Full Article
Obama presents Mideast peace vision to Arab world
May 19, 2011 03:13 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Thursday threw his weight behind the tumultuous drive for democratic change in the Arab world and presented his most detailed vision yet on the path to elusive Israeli-Palestinian peace. | Full Article
Special report: The two faces of DSK
Formal charges filed against Strauss-Kahn: prosecutors
Gulf mediator to Yemen opposition: Deal is agreed
Obama says Gaddafi's departure from Libya inevitable
In a first, Venezuela suspends driver's license
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Angry Birds move to next level

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Shuttle Endeavour docks with space station

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Science, art combine to reproduce paintings from the past

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