
Morning Digest: Norway mass killer wants time in court to tell why

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Norway mass killer wants time in court to tell why
OSLO (Reuters) - Anders Behring Breivik wants to tell Norway and the world why he killed at least 93 people in a bomb attack and shooting rampage, but prosecutors have asked for Monday's custody hearing to be closed to the public. | Full Article
Analysis: U.S and South Korea stand firm against Pyongyang
July 25, 2011 04:25 AM ET
SEOUL (Reuters) - A rare visit by one of North Korea's top diplomats to the United States this week has renewed hopes for stalled nuclear talks, but Seoul and Washington's terms have not changed: Pyongyang has to show it is sincere about scrapping its atomic bomb. | Full Article
Stock index futures fall as debt talks collapse
July 25, 2011 04:38 AM ET
PARIS/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stock index futures dropped on Monday as a political impasse in Washington's debt ceiling talks fueled worries of a U.S. default, knocking world equities lower and pushing gold to a record high. | Full Article
China's Apple frenzy triggers wave of smuggling
July 25, 2011 05:09 AM ET
HONG KONG (Reuters) - In a crowded multi-storeyed marketplace in downtown Shenzhen, a store owner haggles with a cigarette-smoking customer over the price for a bulk sale. | Full Article
Iran blamed U.S., Israel for killing of scientist
July 24, 2011 07:45 AM ET
TEHRAN (Reuters) - A senior Iranian official on Sunday blamed the United States and Israel for the killing of an Iranian scientist, who the deputy interior minister said was not linked to Iran's nuclear program as reported by media. | Full Article
Alomar, Blyleven lend international touch to Hall of
July 24, 2011 06:20 PM ET
- COOPERSTOWN, New York (Reuters) - Roberto Alomar and Bert Blyleven provided an international touch to the Baseball Hall of Fame induction ceremony Sunday as they were enshrined along with longtime executive Pat Gillick. | Full Article
Amy Winehouse family pleads for "privacy and space"
July 25, 2011 12:26 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - The family of Amy Winehouse sought "privacy" from the public eye on Sunday, one day after the young, beehive-haired soul singer's untimely death, which sent fans rushing to download her songs in remembrance. | Full Article
When life gives you lemons..
July 22, 2011 11:18 AM ET
CONWAY, Mass (Reuters) - A man angry that a car dealership refused to take back a "lemon" van he had purchased, intentionally crashed it into seven parked vehicles, police said on Thursday. | Full Article
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Here come the brides; and grooms

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More bodies found in Russian boat wreck

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Unrest in Yemen

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