
Technology Report: Facebook plans "awesome" launch next week: CEO

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Social media junkies pining for an invite to try out Google+ will have to wait a little bit longer. Google decided to temporarily stop inviting users to join its new social networking service less than two days after it launched the service. What gives? "Insane demand. We want to do this carefully, and in a controlled way," a Google engineering executive said in a Google+ post on Wednesday night. A company spokeswoman contacted by Reuters declined to say whether the company had resumed invites on Thursday.

Reviews of Google+ are starting to filter in from those who've been lucky enough to get an invite. The general consensus seems to be that it's a lot like Facebook and that it is an improvement over Google's past social media efforts, Buzz and Wave. ZDNet rounds up five things it loves about the new service. The Guardian pans the desktop version, but gives the mobile platform a thumbs up. PCWorld says it's no Facebook. Wired calls its approach to privacy a "pretty good start". And CNN explores one of its most distinctive features: video conferencing.

Meanwhile, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters on Thursday his company is planning to unveil an "awesome" new feature next week. Details were scant, but tech blogs have speculated in recent weeks about new mobile products in development at Facebook. Could it be the long-awaited iPad app? Or a dedicated photo-sharing app? Or, as tech blog GigaOm founder Om Malik joked on Twitter, is it just an attempt by Zuckerberg to divert attention away from Google+.

Big-name private equity firms have been scouring tech powerhouse Hewlett-Packard for cracks in the hopes they'll get to scoop up some of its assets, arguing the world's No.1 PC maker is stretched too thin, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters correspondents Nadia Damouni and Poornima Gupta.

Skype, the Internet video calling service recently bought by Microsoft for a hefty $8.5 billion, rolled out service to users of Android phones on Thursday. The service will let Android users make free video calls to Skype contacts, including those on Apple iPhones.
Facebook plans "awesome" launch next week: CEO
June 30, 2011 01:41 PM ET
SEATTLE (Reuters) - Facebook, the world's biggest social networking website, is set to launch a new feature next week, possibly in the mobile or tablet arena, its CEO said. | Full Article
Judge lets Wi-Fi case proceed against Google
June 30, 2011 03:05 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Google Inc can be sued for allegedly violating federal wiretap law in a lawsuit over the data collection methods of its Street View cars, a judge has ruled. | Full Article
Samsung asks U.S. to ban iPad, iPhone imports
June 30, 2011 10:19 AM ET
SEOUL/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Samsung asked the U.S. International Trade Commission to ban the importation of Apple's iPhones, iPads and iPods, ratcheting up its dispute against Apple. | Full Article
Dealtalk: Private equity scours HP for cracks
June 30, 2011 03:06 PM ET
NEW YORK/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - If private equity firms had their way, Hewlett-Packard Co would look less like a monolithic tanker and more like a small fleet of streamlined schooners. | Full Article
Wall Street rallies 4th day, gains in July seen
June 30, 2011 04:39 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. stocks ended a volatile quarter on Thursday with their biggest four-day rally since September as positive economic data and a temporary resolution of Greece's debt crisis indicated further gains in July. | Full Article
Greece passes austerity bill after trouble-free vote
June 30, 2011 04:14 PM ET
ATHENS (Reuters) - The Greek parliament passed a second austerity bill Thursday, opening the way for the EU and IMF to release a 12 billion euro ($17 billion) loan installment which Athens urgently needs to stave off bankruptcy. | Full Article
MBIA may pursue fraud claim vs BofA's Countrywide
June 30, 2011 03:36 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - MBIA Inc may pursue a lawsuit accusing Bank of America Corp's Countrywide Financial unit of fraudulently misleading it about mortgage securities it insured, costing at least $1.4 billion. | Full Article
Analysis: Socks, bedpans among copper's growth markets
June 30, 2011 02:34 PM ET
NEW YORK/SANTIAGO (Reuters) - As Chile struggled for two months to rescue 33 miners trapped deep underground last year, it turned to an unlikely tool to help keep them healthy: copper socks. | Full Article
Geithner mulling departing post: report
June 30, 2011 04:09 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has signaled to White House officials that he is considering leaving the administration after a deal to raise the debt limit is reached, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday, citing three anonymous sources. | Full Article
U.S. caught China buying more debt than disclosed
June 30, 2011 12:47 PM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The rules of Treasury auctions may not sound like the stuff of high-stakes diplomacy. But a little-noticed 2009 change in how Washington sells its debt sheds new light on America's delicate balancing act with its biggest creditor, China. | Full Article
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