
Morning Digest: Greek PM wins over cabinet, next up Merkel and Sarkozy

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Greek PM wins over cabinet, next up Merkel and Sarkozy
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's prime minister won the backing of his cabinet on Wednesday to hold a referendum on a 130 billion euro bailout package but will find the stunned euro zone leaders who engineered the deal last week harder to convince. | Full Article
Flood gate in Thai capital focus of fear, rivalry
November 02, 2011 04:33 AM ET
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Authorities in the Thai capital repaired a damaged flood gate on Wednesday that has become the focus of anger, fear and rivalry between arms of government battling the country's worst floods in decades. | Full Article
World stocks, euro rise, look to Fed, G20
November 02, 2011 04:54 AM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - World stocks and the euro edged up on Wednesday after a rollercoaster week, as investors hoped for comfort on the weak U.S. economy and troubled euro zone from meetings of the U.S. Federal Reserve and Group of Twenty leaders. | Full Article
WikiLeaks' Assange to learn UK extradition fate
November 01, 2011 07:35 PM ET
LONDON (Reuters) - A London court will rule on Wednesday whether WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange, who angered the government by publishing thousands of secret diplomatic memos, can be extradited from Britain to Sweden for questioning over alleged sexual crimes. | Full Article
Boeing brings space taxi jobs to Florida
November 01, 2011 12:33 PM ET
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Boeing Co will bring hundreds of jobs to Florida by basing a program to develop passenger spaceships at the Kennedy Space Center, first for NASA and later for commercial use, officials said on Monday. | Full Article
LA Dodgers, MLB agree to sell the team
November 02, 2011 02:00 AM ET
(Reuters) - The Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team said it has agreed with Major League Baseball (MLB) officials to a court-supervised sale of the team and its media rights, potentially ending a long-running court battle between the league and owner Frank McCourt. | Full Article
Kim Kardashian denies profiting from TV wedding
November 01, 2011 08:34 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Reality TV star Kim Kardashian on Tuesday dismissed reports that she profited from her televised wedding to Kris Humphries, only one day after filing for divorce from the basketball player. | Full Article
Woman gets cold cash rather than cold cuts
November 01, 2011 11:42 AM ET
BERLIN (Reuters) - A butcher shop employee in the German town of Braunschweig inadvertently handed a customer a bag containing more than 2,000 euros ($2,835) in cold cash rather than the cold cuts she usually gets. | Full Article
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Passengers say landing was smooth despite problems

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Karzai: No peace talks with Taliban

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Greek tragedy returns for an encore

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