
Morning Digest: Wildfires worsen in Colorado, 32,000 flee homes

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Wildfires worsen in Colorado, 32,000 flee homes
COLORADO SPRINGS (Reuters) - A wildfire raging near some of Colorado's most popular tourist sites grew suddenly more ferocious on Tuesday, forcing 32,000 people from their homes, prompting evacuations from the U.S. Air Force Academy and swallowing numerous houses at the edge of Colorado Springs..
Gunmen storm pro-Assad Syrian TV channel
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Gunmen stormed a pro-government Syrian TV channel headquarters on Wednesday, bombing buildings and shooting dead three employees, state media said, in one of the boldest attacks yet on a symbol of the authoritarian state..
Stock index futures flat; Best Buy eyed
PARIS (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a flat open on Wall Street on Wednesday, with futures for the S&P 500 down 0.02 percent, Dow Jones futures down 0.05 percent and Nasdaq 100 futures down 0.04 percent at 0918 GMT..
A Minute With: Woody Allen on "Rome" and home
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - After the success of last year's "Midnight in Paris," filmmaker Woody Allen is back again with a European-set comedy, "To Rome With Love," in which he also stars..
Phelps and Lochte provide mouthwatering preview
OMAHA, Nebraska (Reuters) - Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte provided a mouthwatering preview of what the world can expect at the London Olympics when they engaged in an epic duel in the 200 meters freestyle at the U.S. swimming trials on Tuesday..
More U.S. teens hide online activity from parents: survey
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More and more teenagers are hiding their online activity from their parents, according to a U.S. survey of teen internet behavior released on Monday..
Promoting health? It's all in the game
LONDON (Reuters) - Meet Roxxi - a feisty and fully-armed virtual nanobot. Billed as "medicine's mightiest warrior", she's fighting an epic battle deep inside the human body where she launches rapid-fire assaults on malignant cells..
Venezuelan tribe angry at "sacred" stone in Berlin
BERLIN (Reuters) - Wolfgang von Schwarzenfeld's sculptures in a Berlin park were meant to promote world peace, but the 79-year-old German now finds himself at war with a Venezuelan tribe which accuses him of stealing a sacred pink stone known to them as "Grandmother"..
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