
Morning Digest: Wisconsin's Walker makes history surviving recall election

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Reuters     Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the     politics in between
Wisconsin's Walker makes history surviving recall election
MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - Wisconsin's Scott Walker became the first governor in U.S. history to survive a recall election on Tuesday in a decisive victory that dealt a blow to the labor movement and raised Republican hopes of defeating President Barack Obama in the November election..
Russia's Putin says to push military ties with China
BEIJING (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he will boost military cooperation with China, including holding more joint exercises, after the United States announced plans to shift most of its warships to the Asia-Pacific by 2020..
Stock futures signal higher Wall Street open
(Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a higher open on Wall Street on Wednesday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 rising 0.5 to 0.9 percent..
A Minute With: Neil Young on his new album, film
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - At an age, 66, when many of his peers have either slowed down or retired from the spotlight, Neil Young is busier than ever..
Celtics cool off Heat to move one win from finals
MIAMI (Reuters) - The Boston Celtics drew on their famous grit and determination to move within one victory of the NBA Finals on Tuesday with an upset 94-90 road win over the Miami Heat to take a 3-2 series lead..
Ericsson says 4G mobile networks to cover half the world by 2017
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Half the world will have access to 4G mobile networks by 2017 providing the high-speed Internet access needed to download videos and play games on smartphones, Ericsson said in a report on the telecoms market on Tuesday..
Venus makes last in a lifetime move across face of sun
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - The planet Venus made a slow transit across the face of the sun on Tuesday, the last such passing that will be visible from Earth for 105 years..
Pot smoking mother drives off with baby on car roof
PHOENIX (Reuters) - A marijuana-smoking woman was arrested on Saturday in Phoenix after she accidentally drove away with her five-week-old son in a child safety seat on the roof of her vehicle, police said..
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