
Morning Digest: Akin rebuffs Romney, Republican calls to quit Senate race

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Akin rebuffs Romney, Republican calls to quit Senate race
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressman Todd Akin, under fire for controversial remarks on abortion and rape, insisted on Tuesday he would not leave the Missouri Senate race, despite pressure from fellow Republicans and talk of who might replace him on the November 6 ballot..
Ecuador's leader says open to talks with Britain on Assange
QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador is ready to negotiate over the fate of Julian Assange if Britain withdraws a threat to raid its embassy in London where the WikiLeaks founder has sought refuge, President Rafael Correa said on Tuesday..
Stock index futures signal slight falls
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a slightly lower open on Wall Street on Wednesday, with futures for the S&P 500 off 0.2 percent, with Dow Jones and Nasdaq 100 futures both down 0.1 percent at 0919 GMT..
A Minute With: Keanu Reeves going digital with 'Side By Side'
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Keanu Reeves' latest film, "Side By Side," has no car chases, explosions or slow-motion bullets like those in "The Matrix." But for fans of cinema, it has something even more valuable - an inside look at digital technology's impact on traditional film..
Late PGA season good vibes a habit for Dustin Johnson
(Reuters) - Dustin Johnson has made a habit of thriving in the latter part of the PGA Tour season, good reason for him to be excited about his title defense at this week's Barclays tournament in Farmingdale, New York..
Videogame players, the next Olympians?
COLOGNE, Germany (Reuters) - It's not exactly an Olympic sport - not yet, anyway - but as the London Games drew to a close this past Sunday, thousands of professional videogame players geared up for an event that for some can be as lucrative as winning a gold medal..
Mars rover Curiosity gears up for Wednesday test drive
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, dispatched to study if the Red Planet could have hosted life, will take its first test drive on Wednesday..
Finn throws Olympic distance with old Nokia
SAVONLINNA, Finland (Reuters) - A Finnish teenager won a mobile phone throwing contest on Saturday by hurling his old Nokia phone 101.46 meters..
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