
Morning Digest: U.S. drought, food prices fan fears of new crisis

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U.S. drought, food prices fan fears of new crisis
ROME/CHICAGO (Reuters) - Global alarm over a potential repeat of the 2008 food crisis escalated after data showed food prices had jumped 6 percent last month and importers were snapping up a shriveled U.S. grain crop, helping drive corn prices to a new record..
Libyan assembly votes Gaddafi opponent as president
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya's national assembly picked former opposition leader Mohammed Magarief as its president as the North African country's newly elected congress began its rule..
Stock index futures signal lower Wall Street open
Stock index futures pointed to a weaker open on Wall Street on Friday, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 down 0.3 to 0.4 percent..
Rumored 'Brangelina' nuptials draw blank looks in South France
CORRENS, France (Reuters) - Rumors of a weekend wedding between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sent photographers and reporters rushing to the couple's chateau in southern France on Thursday, but local officials said they had no knowledge of any impending nuptials..
Dibaba aims to match Bolt's double-double
LONDON (Reuters) - With a historic sprint 'double-double' in the bag for Usain Bolt, Tirunesh Dibaba bids to provide another on Friday, when gold in the women's 5,000m would mean she had won both the longest track races at successive Olympics..
Yahoo may rethink use of cash from Alibaba deal
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc startled investors by announcing that new Chief Executive Marissa Mayer may reconsider what it does with the cash it gets from a multi-billion dollar sale of half of its 40 percent stake in Chinese Internet company Alibaba Group..
Mars rover Curiosity sends back more postcards from Red Planet
PASADENA, California (Reuters) - The science rover Curiosity took a break from instrument checks on its third full day on Mars to beam back more pictures from the Red Planet, including its first self-portrait and a 360-degree color view of its home in Gale Crater, NASA said on Thursday..
Belarus fines two for toy bear photos after airdrop
MINSK (Reuters) - Authorities in Belarus arrested and fined two journalists for posing for photographs holding teddy bears after hundreds were dropped by air on the country in a pro-democracy stunt, the Belarussian Association of Journalists said on Thursday..
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