
Morning Digest: Northeast back to business after Sandy's hard hit

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Northeast back to business after Sandy's hard hit
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Millions of people across the U.S. Northeast stricken by massive storm Sandy will attempt to resume normal lives on Wednesday as companies, markets and airports reopen, despite grim projections of power and mass transit outages lasting several more days..
Syrian air force on offensive after failed truce
AMMAN (Reuters) - Syrian warplanes bombed rebel targets with renewed intensity on Tuesday after the end of a widely ignored four-day truce between President Bashar al-Assad's forces and insurgents..
Stock futures higher as Wall Street set to re-open
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stock index futures rose on Wednesday ahead of what could be a volatile session's trading as Wall Street re-opens after a two-day closure following a damaging storm along the U.S. east coast..
New "Star Wars" movies - dream come true, or cosmic yawn?
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - For years, it seemed like another "Star Wars" movie was just a dream, stillborn in a galaxy far, far away..
Weakened Mavericks stun new-look Lakers
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The heavily anticipated new era of Los Angeles Lakers basketball began with a whimper as their much vaunted team bristling with All-Stars were beaten 99-91 by an under-strength Dallas Mavericks on Tuesday..
In hurricane, Twitter proves a lifeline despite pranksters
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - As Hurricane Sandy pounded the U.S. Atlantic coast on Monday night, knocking out electricity and Internet connections, millions of residents turned to Twitter as a part-newswire, part-911 hotline that hummed through the night even as some websites failed and swathes of Manhattan fell dark..
NASA rover finds Mars' soil similar to Hawaii's
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - In the first inventory of minerals on another planet, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity found soil that bears a striking resemblance to weathered, volcanic sand in Hawaii, scientists said on Tuesday..
New James Bond film gets five-star Vatican blessing
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - If anyone thinks the Vatican newspaper is still a staid broadsheet that publishes only religious news and harsh papal edicts, consider this: On Tuesday it ran not one but five articles about the new James Bond film..
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