
Morning Digest: Insight: How the Petronas deal fell victim to Canada's China fears

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Insight: How the Petronas deal fell victim to Canada's China fears
OTTAWA/CALGARY (Reuters) - Malaysian state-owned oil company Petronas was so confident last Friday that its purchase of Progress Energy Resources Corp would be approved by Canada that company officials had drafted a press release to announce the news..
Fighting ruptures ragged Syrian ceasefire
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Fighting erupted in a Damascus suburb and around an army base in northern Syria on Friday, opposition sources said, as a truce marking a Muslim holiday crumbled almost before it had begun..
Stock index futures point to lower start
LONDON (Reuters) - Stock index futures pointed to a lower open on Wall Street on Friday as disappointing earnings from consumer bellwethers Apple Inc and Amazon.com Inc dented sentiment..
Rolling Stones play $20 surprise gig in Paris
PARIS (Reuters) - The Rolling Stones performed an energetic warm-up gig in Paris on Thursday for a few hundred fans after announcing on Twitter that tickets would go on sale for 15 euros ($19.45) just hours in advance..
Tampa Bay bag big road win in Minneapolis
(Reuters) - The Tampa Bay Buccaneers upset the Minnesota Vikings with an impressive 36-17 win at Mall of America Field in Minneapolis on Thursday night, their first road win since September 2011..
Tech CEOs trade barbs, warm up for holiday tablet wars
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The biggest names in consumer technology, stung by a string of disappointing quarterly results this month, are suiting up for what's shaping to be the fiercest holiday battle in years..
Three new crew arrive at space station with fish
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A pair of rookie Russian cosmonauts and a veteran U.S. astronaut arrived at the International Space Station on Thursday, boosting the crew back to full strength and bringing along 32 Japanese medaka fish..
Gloved-up Hong Kong city slickers fight "mid-life crisis"
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Adam Gazal trained for six months to stand in the ring for six minutes of live boxing. He remembers the noise, and not much else, and said he'd like to try it again, though he realizes that the time in the gym took time away from home..
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