
Morning Digest: Sandy strengthens as nears coast; Wall Street shut

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Sandy strengthens as nears coast; Wall Street shut
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hurricane Sandy, the monster storm bearing down on the East Coast, strengthened on Monday after hundreds of thousands moved to higher ground, public transport shut down and the stock market suffered its first weather-related closure in 27 years..
U.N.-Arab League envoy regrets Syria truce not fully successful
MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.N.-Arab League peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi expressed regret on Monday that a U.N.-brokered truce had not been more successful in Syria but said he would not let this discourage his peace efforts..
Global shares fall as growth fears mount, Wall Street closes
LONDON (Reuters) - World share and commodity prices fell on Monday as the recent run of downbeat corporate earnings cast a shadow over the growth outlook and investors braced for the impact of a giant U.S. hurricane..
"Argo" rises above "Cloud Atlas" as Sandy spooks
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Acclaimed Iran hostage thriller "Argo" brought home its first box-office win over a quiet weekend, leading movie charts with $12.4 million in U.S. and Canadian ticket sales as would-be moviegoers hunkered down for Hurricane Sandy..
Baseball: San Francisco Giants capture World Series
DETROIT (Reuters) - The San Francisco Giants capped a wild post-season ride by beating the Detroit Tigers 4-3 in 10 innings on Sunday to complete a four-game sweep and be crowned World Series champions for the second time in three years..
Star Silicon Valley analyst felled by Facebook IPO fallout
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The firing of Citigroup stock analyst Mark Mahaney on Friday in the regulatory fallout from Facebook Inc's initial public offering was greeted with shock and dismay in Silicon Valley, where Mahaney was a well-known and well-liked figure..
Miners take "rail-veyors" and robots to automated future
SUDBURY, Ontario (Reuters) - In an office trailer parked outside a mine shaft in northern Ontario, operator Carolyn St-Jean leans back in her chair and monitors a machine loading nickel-rich ore into rail cars deep underground..
Exam students in China for whom the bell tolled too early
BEIJING (Reuters) - A man in central China has been sentenced to a year in jail for ringing a bell to end a national college entrance exam too early, forcing the students to hand in their papers nearly five minutes before the exam should have ended, state media said on Friday..
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