
Technology Report: Yahoo acquires video chat startup company

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Yahoo acquires video chat startup company
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc said it acquired a five-person video chat company on Tuesday, the second deal by new Chief Executive Marissa Mayer to bolster Yahoo's mobile capabilities.
Intel offers debt, shares jump on stock buyback hopes
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Intel on Tuesday launched a $6 billion debt sale to fund share buybacks and other activities, and the top chipmaker's stock rose more than 2 percent.
U.S. fails to win early limit on Net controls at global gathering
DUBAI/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. and Canadian proposal to protect the Internet from new international regulation has failed to win prompt backing from other countries, setting up potentially tough negotiations to rewrite a telecom treaty.
Nokia Siemens to close German services unit: sources
FRANKFURT/HELSINKI (Reuters) - Nokia Siemens Networks' (NSN) German services unit faces closure and 1,000 jobs are at risk as Nokia and Siemens shake up the joint venture, two sources said.
Verizon CEO says no to Dish spectrum buy, big deals
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Verizon Communications, majority owner of the biggest U.S. mobile service, is not interested in buying spectrum from Dish Network and does not plan to make any big acquisitions, its top executive said on Tuesday.
EMC, VMware to merge data and cloud app assets into new group
(Reuters) - EMC Corp, the world's leading maker of corporate data storage equipment, and its publicly-traded subsidiary, software maker VMware Inc, are planning to merge their data analytics and cloud application assets, EMC said on its website.
Chinese man avoids prison for New York Fed cyber theft
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Chinese computer programmer was spared prison time and sentenced to six months of house arrest on Tuesday after he admitted to stealing millions of dollars of software code from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Court rejects Verizon challenge to roaming rule
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Tuesday upheld a 2011 rule that requires mobile data providers to offer roaming agreements to their competitors, rejecting a challenge brought by Verizon Wireless.
FTC, FCC nominees go before senators amid hot-button tech issues
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators will question nominees to the Federal Trade Commission and Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday in a confirmation hearing expected to touch on some of the most critical issues affecting high technology companies.
New app aims to make resolutions, goals more achievable
TORONTO (Reuters) - People starting to make New Year's resolutions can turn to an app that aims to help them achieve their goals.
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