
Morning Digest: Cyprus tries to rework divisive bank tax

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Cyprus tries to rework divisive bank tax
NICOSIA (Reuters) - Cypriot ministers rushed on Monday to revise a plan to seize money from bank deposits as part of an EU bailout, in an effort to ensure lawmakers supported it in a vote later in the day..
China criticizes U.S. anti-missile North Korea plan
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Monday U.S. plans to bolster missile defenses in response to provocations by North Korea would only intensify antagonism, and urged Washington to act prudently..
Cyprus deal shock sends euro, shares tumbling
LONDON (Reuters) - The surprise decision by euro zone leaders to part-fund a bailout of Cyprus by taxing bank deposits sent shockwaves through financial markets on Monday, with shares, the euro and the bonds of struggling euro zone governments all tumbling..
Disney's "Oz" keeps magic spell on movie box office
(Reuters) - Walt Disney Co's "Oz the Great and Powerful" worked more box office magic in its second weekend, following up its strong debut a week earlier with $42.2 million in U.S. and Canadian ticket sales..
Puerto Rico humble Japan to reach WBC title game
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Giant-killers Puerto Rico ended Japan's World Baseball Classic reign on Sunday, combining a strong pitching effort with the power of Alex Rios to win their semi-final showdown 3-1 at AT&T Park..
SEC says funds need not report all social media postings
(Reuters) - Mutual funds regulators are suffering from Twitter overload..
EU could impose pesticide ban to protect bees
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU governments failed to agree a ban on three widely used pesticides linked to the decline of honeybees on Friday, but the European Commission could force one through by the summer unless member states agree a compromise..
Pope Francis trinkets sell briskly near Vatican
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Less than 48 hours after his surprise election, Pope Francis's smiling face adorns pendants and devotional souvenir cards packaged with rosaries at the trinket stands near St. Peter's Square..
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