
Morning Digest: French army in Mali now in Islamist "sanctuary:" defense minister

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French army in Mali now in Islamist "sanctuary:" defense minister
PARIS (Reuters) - French forces searching for al Qaeda-linked militants in the hidden valleys of the remote north of Mali are now deep in the Islamists' sanctuary, France's defense minister said on Friday..
Venezuela's Chavez to be embalmed for public view
CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela's Hugo Chavez will be embalmed and put on display "for eternity" at a military museum after a state funeral and an extended period of lying in state, acting President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday..
World shares hit highest since June 2008
LONDON (Reuters) - World shares hit their highest level since June 2008 and the dollar touched a fresh 3-1/2-year high against the yen on Friday, ahead of U.S. jobs data expected to point to a continuing pick up in the world's biggest economy..
Justin Bieber "getting better" after collapsing at London gig
(Reuters) - Canadian teen pop star Justin Bieber tweeted that he was "getting better" after collapsing on stage from shortness of breath during a performance in London and being rushed to the hospital on Thursday..
Tiger gets by with a little help from his friend
MIAMI (Reuters) - Tiger Woods's sharp putting helped him to a share of the five-way lead at the WGC-Cadillac Championship on Thursday after he got lessons on the practice green from one of his opponents..
Facebook puts focus on photos in new look; may boost ads
MENLO PARK, California (Reuters) - Facebook Inc introduced the biggest change in years to its popular newsfeed on Thursday, with a new look and focus on photos that is expected to make the social network more ad-friendly and may entice users to spend more time on the website..
Russian scientists may have found new life under Antarctic ice
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian scientists believe they have discovered new life forms sealed off for millions of years in a subglacial lake deep under the Antarctic ice, the RIA news agency reported on Thursday..
Woman killed by caged lion in California died suddenly of broken neck
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A 24-year-old intern killed by an African lion at a California wildlife sanctuary died almost instantly after the big cat broke her neck, a coroner said on Thursday, amid media reports that the animal may have escaped from its pen to attack her..
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