
Morning Digest: European manufacturing ebbs further in March

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European manufacturing ebbs further in March
LONDON (Reuters) - Manufacturing across Europe's major economies endured another month of mostly deep decline in March, dragging down even former bright spots, surveys showed on Tuesday..
North Korea says to restart nuclear reactor
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea is to restart a mothballed nuclear reactor that has been closed since 2007 in a move that could produce more plutonium for nuclear weapons as well as for domestic electricity production, its KCNA news agency said on Tuesday..
European shares edge higher as factory data holds up
London (Reuters) - European shares extended gains on Tuesday when new data showed the region's factory activity no worse than originally estimated in March, while the euro slipped as investors worried about the impact of the Cyprus bailout..
Psy to turn "Gentleman" in new song, rapper says
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean rapper Psy plans to follow his "Gangnam Style" YouTube megahit with a single called "Gentleman" and a new dance, but is playing coy about everything else ahead of the song's release, which was moved up a day to April 12..
Opening Day offers fresh start around major leagues
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The crack of the bat, packed crowds and the smell of hot dogs on the grill signaled Major League Baseball's Opening Day, a celebration of hope and renewal giving teams and their fans a fresh start to a new season..
Nasdaq to buy eSpeed platform for $750 million
(Reuters) - Nasdaq OMX Group Inc agreed to buy electronic Treasuries-trading platform eSpeed from BGC Partners Inc for $750 million in cash, providing the exchange operator an entry into one of the world's largest and most liquid cash markets..
Russian-American crew taking short cut to space station
MOSCOW/CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two Russian cosmonauts and a U.S. astronaut took a short cut to the International Space Station on Thursday, arriving at the orbital outpost less than six hours after their Soyuz capsule blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan..
Octogenarian Japanese climber aims for Everest record
KATHMANDU (Reuters) - An 80-year-old Japanese mountain climber who has had heart surgery four times is heading to Mount Everest to try for a third ascent of the world's highest peak and will become the oldest person to reach the top if he succeeds..
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