
Morning Digest: Up to 15 dead after fire and blast at Texas fertilizer plant

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Up to 15 dead after fire and blast at Texas fertilizer plant
WEST, Texas (Reuters) - An explosion tore through a fertilizer plant and leveled dozens of homes in a small Texas town late on Wednesday, killing up to 15 people, injuring more than 160 and spewing toxic fumes that forced the evacuation of half the community..
North Korea demands end of sanctions if U.S. wants dialogue
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea offered the United States and South Korea a list of conditions on Thursday for talks, including the lifting of U.N. sanctions, signaling a possible end to weeks of warlike hostility on the Korean peninsula..
Global shares, oil rebound but growth worries linger
LONDON (Reuters) - European shares and oil staged tentative recoveries on Thursday from the sharp selloff this week provoked by concerns about global economic outlook, while gold bounced off a two-year low..
Britney Spears goes "Ooh La La" for "Smurfs 2"
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Britney Spears is going "Ooh La La" for the Smurfs with a song for upcoming summer movie "The Smurfs 2," movie studio Sony Pictures said on Wednesday..
Armstrong's samples showed steroids in 1999: UCI
PARIS (Reuters) - Lance Armstrong returned four samples with traces of banned corticosteroids in the 1999 Tour de France, the International Cycling Union (UCI) said on Wednesday, although the governing body added it did not handle them as positive tests..
Twitter sharpens ad targeting by sifting through tweets
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc on Wednesday unveiled a new tool that allows marketers to disseminate targeted messages based on the content of users' tweets, a technology that could help elevate Twitter's effectiveness as an advertiser to a rarefied level demonstrated only by digital advertising leaders like Google Inc..
Last-minute glitch postpones debut of new U.S. rocket
(Reuters) - A U.S. company hired by NASA to fly cargo to the International Space Station canceled plans to launch its new Antares rocket on a demonstration mission on Wednesday after a last-minute technical glitch, officials said..
Price of fame: Performers and sports stars die younger
LONDON (Reuters) - The price of fame can be high with an international study on Thursday finding that people who enjoy successful entertainment or sporting careers tend to die younger..
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