
Morning Digest: Diplomatic efforts intensify on corralling Syrian chemical arms

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Diplomatic efforts intensify on corralling Syrian chemical arms
GENEVA/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Diplomatic efforts to place Syria's chemical weapons under international control intensified on Wednesday as Russia warned that a U.S. strike could unleash extremist attacks and carry the country's bitter civil war beyond Syria's borders..
Satellite image suggests North Korea has restarted Yongbyon nuclear reactor: U.S. group
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Satellite imagery suggests North Korea has restarted a research reactor capable of producing plutonium for weapons at its Yongbyon nuclear complex, a U.S. research institute and a U.S. official said on Wednesday..
Shifting Fed view slows share rise, dollar dips
LONDON (Reuters) - Tempered expectations over the pace at which the U.S. Federal Reserve will withdraw its stimulus kept many financial markets in check on Thursday, including holding European shares hovering near five year highs..
A Minute With: Robert Duvall on Westerns and avoiding stereotypes
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - With a career spanning seven decades, actor Robert Duvall has played roles ranging from Joseph Stalin to Dwight D. Eisenhower, and he still looks for ways to diversify his choices..
Wiggins almost quit 2012 Tour after Froome attack
LONDON (Reuters) - Bradley Wiggins threatened to quit the 2012 Tour de France because of the aggressive riding of team mate Chris Froome, according to Team Sky's former sports director Sean Yates..
FTC to scrutinize new Facebook facial recognition feature
(Reuters) - U.S. officials will examine changes to Facebook Inc's privacy policy to determine whether they violate a 2011 agreement with federal regulators, a Federal Trade Commission spokesman confirmed Wednesday after certain changes drew fire from privacy advocates..
Three space station crewmembers land after 166-day mission
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - Two Russian cosmonauts and a U.S. astronaut left the International Space Station on Tuesday, leaving a skeleton crew to maintain the outpost until replacements arrive later this month..
Japan upset by French cartoon linking Fukushima to Olympics
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is to formally complain about a cartoon that appeared in a French weekly newspaper showing sumo wrestlers with extra limbs in front of the Fukushima nuclear plant and linking this to the Olympics, the top government spokesman said on Thursday..
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Great Debate

A potential turning point for Syria
Bill de Blasio, the Not-Bloomberg
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