
Morning Digest: Egypt police storm area near Cairo, officer killed

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Egypt police storm area near Cairo, officer killed
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian security forces clashed with gunmen on the outskirts of Cairo on Thursday as the army-backed government moved to reassert control over an Islamist-dominated area where political violence broke out last month..
Turkey shuts border gate after clashes in Syrian frontier town
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey has closed one of its border gates to Syria after an al Qaeda-affiliated rebel group clashed with units of the Arab- and Western-backed Free Syrian Army in the Syrian town of Azaz near the Turkish frontier, a Turkish official said on Thursday..
Taperless Fed sends shares surging, yields and dollar tumbling
LONDON (Reuters) - World shares and global bond prices surged on Thursday and the dollar tumbled after the U.S. Federal Reserve stunned markets by choosing not to cut back on its asset-buying program for now..
As TV world shifts, HBO retains its Emmy swagger
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - When fictional columnist Carrie Bradshaw helped HBO grab its first series Emmy award in 2001 for comedy "Sex and the City," the premium cable network's main competition came from broadcast networks CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox..
New Zealand on cusp of America's Cup victory
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Emirates Team New Zealand on Wednesday edged to within one win of taking home the America's Cup, defeating Oracle Team USA in a close-fought race that again showcased the Kiwis' seamless teamwork and superior strategy at the start..
Facebook's Zuckerberg says U.S. spying hurt users' trust
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Facebook Inc CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday said revelations about U.S. government surveillance hurt users' trust in Internet companies and that knowing more about the programs would help relieve some of the public concerns..
Orbital Sciences' new cargo ship blasts off for space station
WALLOPS ISLAND, Virginia (Reuters) - An unmanned Antares rocket blasted off from a seaside launch pad in Virginia on Wednesday, sending a cargo capsule to the International Space Station..
Hong Kong couple jailed for torturing maid who was 'forced to wear diaper'
HONG KONG (Reuters) - A Hong Kong couple were jailed on Wednesday for torturing, beating and abusing their Indonesian maid, who said they once dressed her in a diaper and tied her to a chair for five days while they went on holiday..
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