
Morning Digest: Vietnam mobs set fire to foreign factories in anti-China protest

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Vietnam mobs set fire to foreign factories in anti-China protest
HANOI/MANILA (Reuters) - Thousands of Vietnamese set fire to factories and rampaged in industrial zones in the south of the country after protests against Chinese oil drilling in a part of the South China Sea claimed by Vietnam, officials said on Wednesday..
Six powers, Iran launch crunch phase of nuclear diplomacy
VIENNA (Reuters) - Six world powers and Iran launched a decisive phase of diplomacy on Wednesday to begin drafting a lasting accord that would curb Tehran's contested nuclear activity in exchange for a phased end to sanctions that have hobbled the Iranian economy..
Chinese police charge British former GSK China head with bribery
BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Chinese police on Wednesday said they had charged the British former China head of drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline PLC and other colleagues with corruption, after a probe found the firm made billions of yuan from elaborate schemes to bribe doctors and hospitals..
Pop singer Justin Bieber accused of attempted robbery: police
(Reuters) - Pop singer Justin Bieber has been accused of attempted robbery, a Los Angeles Police Department official said on Tuesday, following media reports that he had tried to snatch a young woman's mobile telephone..
Thunder down Clippers with last-minute rally
(The Sports Xchange) - The Oklahoma City Thunder staged a remarkable last-minute rally to defeat the Los Angeles Clippers 105-104 in Game Five of their Western Conference semi-final series on Tuesday..
FCC vote on 'net neutrality' will kick off long battle
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. efforts to set new Internet traffic rules face a lengthy tug of war between broadband providers and Republicans on one side and some tech companies and consumer advocates on the other as regulators prepare to propose the rules formally on Thursday..
Oregon wolf famous for his wanderings may have found a mate
PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) - An Oregon wolf which became the subject of a documentary after making a monumental trek from Oregon to California and back may have finally found what he's been searching for: love. .
Post-Fukushima, Japan's favorite monster may never go home again
TOKYO (Reuters) - He's dark and lumbering, crashing through cities and destroying them with swipes of his massive tail and blasts of radioactive breath. Godzilla is back on the rampage, roaring and stomping, for the first time in ten years..
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