
Morning Digest: Consumer survey shows Thais hoping army will bring order after chaos

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Reuters   Election 2012 Daily round-up of the day's top news from the campaign trail, the White House and all the   politics in between
Consumer survey shows Thais hoping army will bring order after chaos
BANGKOK (Reuters) - An index of consumer confidence in Thailand jumped in May on hopes a military government that seized power promising to impose order after months of political chaos will drag the economy back from the brink of recession..
Syrians vote in wartime election set to extend Assad's rule
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syrians voted on Tuesday in an election expected to deliver an overwhelming victory for President Bashar al-Assad in the midst of a devastating civil war but which his opponents have dismissed as a charade..
France says mooted BNP Paribas' $10 billion U.S. fine 'unreasonable'
PARIS (Reuters) - France said it would defend the interests of its biggest bank BNP Paribas, calling a possible $10 billion-plus U.S. fine "unreasonable" and warning it could have a bearing on transatlantic free trade talks..
Director Oliver Stone to adapt Edward Snowden story for film
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone will be adapting the story of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden for the big screen, from a book written by Guardian journalist Luke Harding, the British newspaper said in a statement on Monday..
Donald Sterling sued over alleged sexual harassment of former aide
(Reuters) - A lawsuit filed on Monday against Donald Sterling accuses the embattled Los Angeles Clippers owner of repeatedly subjecting a woman who worked for him to sexual demands and racist comments and says he ultimately fired her when she protested..
Accused Russian hacker claimed authorship of 'Zeus' malware: FBI
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A Russian man charged by U.S. authorities on Monday with controlling a hacking gang that locked up hundreds of thousands of computers to steal banking credentials and commit cyber extortion claimed in online chats to have written one of the most effective pieces of malicious software ever detected, according to an FBI affidavit..
Astronomers discover type of rocky planet much bigger than Earth
BOSTON (Reuters) - Astronomers have discovered a new type of rocky planet beyond the solar system that weighs more than 17 times as much as Earth while being just over twice the size, scientists said on Monday..
Puppy drives car into Massachusetts pond, owner says
BOSTON (Reuters) - A 3-month-old German shepherd puppy is being blamed for driving a family car into a Massachusetts pond..
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